Chapter 1

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Years back, I got my vengeance, didn't I?

This...thing [I am probably making ridiculously vague hand gestures right now if you can picture me] I got into was not worth the tears and pain.

Jina and I were best friends. We did every possible thing together, including this recess.

'Lee, guess what? I think I just found my soulmate! My, he's so good-looking, I can't get enough of him!!!!!!!!' Jina exclaimed. She won't be stopping for long now.

'Really?! How do you know? Who is he? Does he know you?' I bombarded all the questions I could think of on her, my eyes wide.

Jina arranged her hair in a lady-like manner, tucking it behind her ear, smiling coyly. 'Oh, you know Kyle, in our class? Kyle Blue. The one in the sports team, though I don't know which sport,' she played with her fingers.

'You don't even know which sport? My, I saw you once drooling over someone during lunch break, given you hate the sun. You didn't even pay attention?' I chuckled.

She pouted a bit more, a frown appearing on her face, making her look like a hungry fish. The least I could do was suppress my laugh if I didn't want to be ravaged to a pulp. 'How bad can it get? He is very handsome and I am pretty. How can he not like me?'

I was totally going to get beaten then. Happened to me occasionally.

I burst out laughing, nearly spitting out fruit in the process.

Jina jumped back, brushing off drips of water as if her uniform was a Gucci dress. 'Ew, Lee! Could you not destroy my look even before I start crushing on him?' She re-arranged her hair again. God, why did she keep touching her hair when it was already braided?

I was still laughing but almost done. I did not need to overdo it. 

'Sorry,' I said, straightening and clearing the fruit, 'couldn't help it.'

'Fine, just support me, ok? Just don't start liking him too,' she said haughtily.

'Ugh, he isn't even my type,' I rolled my eyes at her and stood up.

'Good, because I don't need more competition.'

'Now you're worried about competition when you just said that you look pretty? So. Very. Insecure.' I scoffed.

'No. I am just warning you. Stay. Away. From. Him.' She poked a finger at me at every word, glaring.

I threw my hands up, brows high. 'OKAY, missy. No need to get hyper.'

She only shrugged and we went down the canteen steps, past the driveway, into the main entrance. We were about to turn towards the steps but Jina squealed, gripping my hand hard enough to stop blood circulation.

'Lee, he is here! He is walking towards me. Oh, what do I do? Should I just stand? Should I say hi? Should I play hard to get and just walk?' She was going to fly out of herself with glee.

'Jina,' I said drily, 'whatever you do won't make a difference, just do as you want.' I mean, did any of her questions have a difference?

'No! It matters. He should notice me at all costs,' she hissed, arranging her hair, again.

Goodness, this girl. She was being extreme from right then. What would happen to me if this went on for longer than expected?! At this rate, I won't even have the energy to do school, ironically I came here for exactly that.

'Ahhh, fine,' I huffed. 'What do you want me to do? Look less good than you so Kyle notices you? Hunch so that you are more visible? Push you so that he catches you and it becomes a nice scene?' I dramatically made a position as if getting ready for something, rolling up my jacket sleeves, and fixing my collar.

'Nothing like that, dummy,' she took my arms, straightening me up, 'you might end up embarrassing me like that. I want you to go along with me, understand?'

'Yes, ma'am!' I said saluting. She only chuckled, shaking her head.

At the end of our bickering, nothing happened. We only walked by him, Jina in the middle of the corridor, swooning over him with dreamy eyes, me near the wall, trying to be invisible.

It was almost time for the next period, so we made our way back to class. It was Social Science. Our teacher, Miss Peters came in, a pile of books in her arms, and put them on the teacher's table then turned to us.

'Good morning, ma'am!' We chorused in a sing-song voice.

'Good morning, children,' Miss Peters said plainly, quite bored with our long song-like greeting. Old habits never left.

'Sit down, now. I have something important to tell you,' she announced. 'Now that our history chapter is over, there is a group project you all must do. I shall be dividing you into groups for that.' There were several groans and protesting mumbles at that. She continued. 'I will be assigning you individual topics, all related to the lesson. You and your members must decide their roles and how much they can contribute to making the final product unique.'

With that, she assigned the topics to five groups in advance. But when Miss Peters chose the members for our group, there was nothing more that I wanted than to sink into the chair and disappear forever.

Kyle Blue was in my group.


Hello! Thank you for picking this book!

I am Siddhi and this is my first Wattpad book. It had been on my mind to publish something so I just did it. Mostly because I also have a blog ( ). This draft was the best one I had written so I thought, 'Why not?'

Anyways, I hope you'll like it. If you do, please comment, vote and share.

I'll post new chapters as soon as I can, possibly every week or every 4-to-5 days.

Happy reading! :)

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