Chapter 4

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Said annual concert preparations began almost immediately, within three days. Our administrators didn't like to waste time. 

And of course, the theme was cultural dance forms. There couldn't be anything else for a concert. Appreciating the rich heritage and all...but then again, we couldn't lift a toe about it.

I came to dismiss it because other things were a priority than appreciating the country's heritage. For instance, the unplanned-yet-inevitable conversation with Via. My day couldn't get more anti-climactic.

'Hi, Lee! How are you?' Via raised her hand in greeting.

'Great!' I put on a dazzling fake smile.

'You left so soon that day, I couldn't talk to you both properly! Especially you,' she pouted. Me? Did she want to butter me instead of the teachers now? Bloody great.

'Me? Is there anything you want to say? Is it about the project?' Yes, unfortunately, she was with me.

'Ay, no. We have been together since kindergarten. Can't I talk to you without any objective? Plus, you and Kyle Blue will do the project perfectly.'

Me and Kyle Blue! Why was she suddenly putting me on the spot? 

'The rest are contributing too, Via,' I said slowly - carefully, 'Jina is there too and so are you. What about him and me?' Did she perhaps see him pulling my bag? And why the sudden interest?

'Don't get me wrong! Of course, I am contributing, why the hell would I not? You're such a good coordinator. It's just...don't you and Kyle like each other?'

There. She can't just resist. She had to ask.

'No!' I nearly screamed. 'I mean, no. We don't like each least I do not like him. He was just asking me about the project and informing me that he would bring the information and research more-' I stopped. Why was I explaining so much to her? It wasn't like she was telling the truth, right? I continued, clearing my throat, 'Just the usual, you know. I needed him to help Jina too.' I shrugged none-too-casually.

'Sure, as you say,' she shrugged as well.

'Why were you asking, though?' I needed to know.

'Ah, I was just roaming in the corridors with my friends in the recess, minding my own business, you know I do as always, and when I stopped to chat in front of the classes, I saw Jina and Mia talking together. Couldn't hear what they spoke but I think I heard her saying your name,' Via looked away, almost guiltily.

Jina was a good person. Unlike...Her. Mia. Her other 'good' friend lived near Jina's house. She was a five-year-old stuck in a fifteen-year-old body with no common sense. Not my words, Jina's. Quoted exactly as she said. My encounters with her weren't exactly nice. Hell, I would choose Via over her at any moment. I just never wanted to see her face.

'So what if they talked? Not a big deal.' I said lightly, trying to dismiss her words. No more problems, I had enough.

'I never said it was,' it definitely was and it made me nervous as she said, 'I just put it there.' 

'Why? Did she say something about me?' Damn my curiosity.

'No. She was like, "Hey Via, is Lee in the class?" So I said, "Yeah." And she just sighed and returned back to her conversation, whispering furiously with Mia.'

This was not a conversation. I was nearly on my way to bitch Jina. My best friend, for God's sake. And I got lured in like a lamb to the slaughter by this idiot. It just made me despise Via more and more with each passing second. I felt my anger rise. Not wanting to take it out on her because angels help her if I did, I just mumbled an 'ok' saying I had to go to the staffroom to get my notebook and scurried off.

Way to ruining your perfect day and possibly the whole concert times, Lee. 

I half ran the whole way to class. It was time for the project too, so I quickly gathered all my supplies and went to Jina's table, dumping everything on it in a hurry.

'Careful, Lee!' Jina exclaimed at my rather aggressive handling of stationery. 'Are you angry, or what?' she frowned, yet still got the time to re-pin her hair, glancing at Kyle, whose desk area was again transformed into a conference table. I was panting as if I ran through a storm. Though I suppose what Via told was no less than that. 

'Sorry,' I smiled sheepishly, 'I was in hurry, it was time to work on the project so I rushed.' Not a lie. 

'Fine, let's go there. Time for me to stare at his perfect face,' she huffed, flicking one of her braids. It made me giggle, and I flicked the other one.

'Hey, Lee,' Kyle whistled, 'you look like a flock of birds flew very close to your head. I can almost see the worms they dropped on your scalp.' 

I consciously arranged my hair, flattening it a little and scowled at him, 'Who cares? Your hair looks more suited to a pigeon's nest.' A snort from Jina at that.

'Come on. Your friend Jina's hair is better than yours. However, mine is impeccable.' Jina's eyes twinkled with amusement at that and she giggled. Kyle smirked at her, making her blush red. 

'Whatever,' I scoffed, 'let's get back on track. Did you get the information you so sincerely promised to bring?' 

'Of course coordinator. How could I forget my promise to you?' I could have sworn Jina stopped smiling and had stiffened ever so slightly, but I was already so exhausted I could be dreaming.

I rolled my eyes at him, taking the diary from him and putting it in front of my face to block his smile. Though I was paying half attention to what he had written as it was from the internet so it did not matter, and focused more on Via through my periphery. She seemed nonplussed about what she said earlier and what exchange had just taken place. Maybe she really wasn't involved in this. But who was to guarantee she wouldn't in the future? There was also Mia to think of. I wanted to ask her so badly but she repels me. I kept watching Via as if I might be able to detect any lies in her soul. But, she seemed way too focused on her notes and it made me look away at last. I couldn't bear to look at Jina, to read what she might have been thinking and what emotions might have gone through her.

I cleared my throat. 'The information seems fine. We'll proceed now, the due date is pretty close and we have a lot to do.' Silent nods at that. And we began, none of us saying anything for the rest of the class.

I thought it best to bury myself in the project deeply, which easily let me avoid Jina, Via and Kyle temporarily for the day. To not seem weird I walked back with Jina as usual, having a merry exchange. I even teased her about how she still didn't know which sport her crush played and how she couldn't even muster the courage to ask him to which she crinkled her nose and nudged me. I was laughing all the way, clutching my stomach. None of what Via said so much as crossed my mind for quite a few days, during which we got so busy with the event and tests, that it was as if nothing happened. It was sweet oblivion, like eating ice cream for days on end and being high on its sweetness. The way it numbed. It was good.


Hello, guys!

You might think this is all about the second lead and there is no character development. Don't worry you'll see more of Lee's persona too! I am working on it.

Stay tuned. Vote, comment and share, please...

Happy reading!! :)

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