𝟎𝟏𝟏 ; 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭

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"You are still here-?"

Regulus was confused, so were Evelyn and Athanasios but while Regulus was being more vocal ;) about his confusion the other two were busy glaring daggers at the two people in front of them.

Remus and Sirius shared a look, it was glaringly obvious that the three beings in front of them didn't know about the family meeting, all the while ignoring the two hostile stares or more like glares aimed at them.

"You didn't know," Sirius started softly as if talking to a small child, "There was a family meeting called today by grandfather, everyone should already be seated-"

"Why wasn't I told about it," Regulus trailed off as he glanced at Evelyn and Athanasios who still hadn't stopped glaring.

"We don't know but it's better if we go, it's not good to keep everyone waiting." Remus spoke before Sirius could open his mouth and do more damage (remus loved that boy but sirius could be dense sometimes like real dense), acting as a sort of peacemaker.

◂ ❚ break ❚ ▸

"Holy shit, how does anyone tell you all apart?" Evelyn whispered loud enough that everyone in the proximity heard it as the gaze of every single Black turned on her and Athanasios.

Regulus let out a chuckle at that while some, mainly Sirius, Charlus Potter, Ignatius Prewett and Henley Weasley joined in with big grins on their faces, this being their exact thought when they first met the Blacks.

While on the other hand, Regulus was feeling excited and nervous at the same time. He really wanted his family to like them and from the looks of it, everyone already did, well that's if you ignore Bellatrix's heated glares at Evelyn.

"This is Athanasios Peverell and his fiancé Evelyn Sayre, my friends." Regulus introduced the two of them with a blank face even though his heart twitched painfully in his chest at the word - friends.

but that's all they were, weren't they ? - friends, acquaintances, nothing more. moreover these friends were engaged to each other yet after knowing this information for days now, regulus' stomach still twisted and turned while his fists clenched at his sides painfully as if it was the first time he had heard it.

was this the jealousy everyone talked about? he knew he liked them, but god he didn't want to. he didn't want to be a home wrecker. he didn't want to be accused of breaking up a lovely couple. regulus was ashamed of himself and his thoughts. the first time he ever likes someone and this happens. he was really a bad omen as they all used to say, he doesn't deserve anyone's love, he was not worthy of it-

Regulus was pulled out of his musings as Athanasios lightly caressed his back, all the while talking with his grandfather as he noticed that they were already seated with Athanasios on his one side and Evelyn on the other as if to protect him from someone, Regulus shook his head and got rid of the ridiculous thought.

As Regulus looked around, he noticed that only Aunt Druella was missing who had gotten permanent bed rest due to her fourth pregnancy being too difficult and complex. There were forty people sitting around the table not including Athanasios and Evelyn, the table was full of Blacks and their spouses and kids.

Evelyn was talking to Charlus and Dorea who were grinning widely at her while Athanasios was still talking to Arcturus. 

"How did you three meet again?" Dorea questioned Evelyn, as everyone quieted down wanting to know the answer to it too.

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