𝟎𝟏𝟑 ; 𝐛𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐲

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"We have to do something." That was what Regulus had said and here are they all now standing.

Evelyn didn't actually remember whether the Gaunt Shack was located at the Greater Hangleton or the Little Hangleton,

"So much for a photographic memory." Athanasios muttered under his breath.

"If you know so much! Why don't you show us the way, oh great one!"

"Some things have to be learned in one's own way." As soon as Athanasios finished this, with a snap of fingers, he was invisible to both Evelyn and Regulus.

"The fuck!" Regulus exclaimed.

Luckily for Athanasios before Evelyn could curse his entire being, an old muggle man who was going in the same way as them had seen them.

Regulus looked quite constipated with his nose up in the air and lips thinly pressed. Though Regulus decided not to follow the one and only marmot-dildo-lover, he still was not a big fan of muggles.

( yes u read it all right!
marmot-dildo-lover aķa
tom-marvolo-riddle )

Evelyn took the lead on this one as one is stuck with his nose in the stars (a little more and it will reach his namesake star regulus) and the other is invisible.

She flashed the elderly man a charming smile, looping her arm into Regulus'.

"Good evening, sir."

"Good evening dear," the old man greeted, her eyes darting between the smiling Evelyn and an uncomfortable Regulus. "I see that you are looking a little lost there. May I help you with anything?"

"Yes, please,"

"I am Hermione and this is my husband Tom." She tossed another smile at both, the man and Regulus who threw her a half amused - half confused look. "Please excuse him for not speaking. We just had an appointment with a doctor about my pregnancy and he spoke about little complications in the delivery. He's still sour, he just worries too much." Evelyn explained, making the old man's eyes soften and Regulus's eyes widen.

'A little desperate here, are we?'

"All husbands are like that during pregnancy, dear. I had also been there once. Now look at me with five children and two grandchildren while my youngest daughter is in her last trimester." The old man said with a fond smile on his face, though his gaze was completely sympathetic, feeling awful for having judged the young man so quickly.

"I understand." Evelyn responded with a giggle.

"Though you shouldn't walk out for long on such a warm day during the first few months, dear. My wife couldn't take 3 steps out of the bedroom before she had to go hurling towards the bathroom to vomit her guts out. Forget about it, I won't be able to stop if I continue talking about my wife and my family. Are you both new around here?" The man asked quickly, in an effort to change the subject.

Evelyn laughed softly at the old man's rambling because he reminded her of the times she spent with her godfather at Grimmauld palace, him rambling about anything and everything but she didn't want to visit those memories of Siri- right now she just can't. It hurts to think about them. That he just died because the old man wanted her grieving, full of sadness and regret of her actions, just so he could easily manipulate her into the perfect soldier.

The soldier, ready to do anything.

The soldier, ready to die.

Evelyn shook her head trying to clear her mind. She rested her head on Regulus' shoulders as he snaked an arm around her waist, giving off the impression that the two were a perfectly happy couple with a baby on way or it could be just that he was aware of the dark memories going in her head or it could be just him finally feeling some happiness after years of being in a never-ending dark hole of depression.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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