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Delilah's high heeled boots crunched in the snow as she made her way towards the library. It was early in the morning and Delilah was determined to finish all her work by tonight.

As she walked in heat hit her in the face making her body go warmer then she already was. She walked over to the back of the library taking off her winter coat before taking a seat.

The library was pretty packed since there was other students studying and doing there work, which made Delilah pretty uncomfortable since there was no one ever in the library .

Delilah took out her books and her pens, she then made sure they were organized how she wanted, she hated when her things were out of place.

Hours passed for Delilah as she sat in the library stressing over about how she was going to finish everything before the sun went down. The library was almost closed and people were already leaving.

Delilah sighed packing her things away in her back, she then placed her coat back on her, zipping it up before heading towards the book shelves.

She looked at what books she wanted admiring how new everything looked. The library always had old books that were ripped or written in making it hard for her to choose.

After Delilah grabbed the books she wanted she walked back to her car ready to go and eat. The sun was already down and the wind seemed to have settled just a little bit.

As Delilah walked in the mini cafe that was near her apartment, she spotted her classmate standing behind the counter making some drinks.

"I didn't know you worked here Sam." Delilah said walking up to the counter. Sam turned around with a smile on his face as he heard Delilah's voice.

"Hey Delilah nice to see you here, and yeah I just started today." Sam said placing the cup on the counter.

"That's cool, so how's your first day?" Delilah said not really caring.

"It's ok, kinda tired."

"Well I'm sure It'll get better, but I'm ready to order now. I'll have just a Carmel coffee and five chocolate chip cookies." Delilah said taking her money out of her bra.

"Five huh, are you sharing that with anyone?" Sam said placing her order in the computer.

"No." Delilah said handing him the money.

"" Sam said taking the money from her. He looked as if he wanted to say something but didn't, he then handed her her order with a smile.

"Have a nice day." Delilah said as she walked of the cafe.

When Delilah got to her apartment she took a shower and tied down her braids. She then got in bed falling asleep instantly.

The next day Delilah woke up feeling extremely tired, more than usual. Delilah grabbed her paper off her desk looking at the symptoms of cancer. Her doctor gave it to her so she will know what she will be going through.

As she eyed the paper she saw that she will be come tired durning the process. Delilah signed while getting out of bed.

She didn't want to do anything but go back to sleep. She walked to her closet putting on a hoodie and a skirt, she then slipped into her heels and walked out the door.

Delilah sat in her car in the parking lot resting her head on the steering wheel. After sitting there for about ten minutes Delilah got out of her car and walked into the school building.

As Delilah sat through class she rested her head on the desk feeling sick to her stomach. Delilah closed her eyes trying to calm the pain.

"Angel." Delilah opened her eyes to see dark brown eyes staring at her. Delilah sat up wiping the droll of her face. She looked around to see that the class was empty.

"Thanks for waking me." Delilah said placing her journal in her backpack back in its place.

"Long night?" Axel said standing up straight.

"Yeah, had to finish my work." Delilah said standing up looking up at Axel.

He wore an oversized hoodie and some black ripped jeans pants, his hair was messy as always and his glasses stood high on his nose.

Delilah and Axel walked out of the classroom in silence side by side.

"Wanna-wanna grab lunch?" Axel stuttered.

"Yeah I can drive us there." Delilah said walking towards the exit. Axel followed behind her looking down at the ground as he walked.

Delilah drove to a burger place that was located by her apartment. She parked the car looking at Axel who was already looking at her.

"What's wrong?" Axel said carefully placing his soft hands on top of Delilah's with hesitation.

"What do you mean?" Delilah said looking at their hands. Maybe not to him, but to her this physical touch meant everything to her.

Touching hands like this made her heart race for him, wishing that his hands were around her throat instead.

"If you need to talk about anything...I'm here for you." Axel said with a small smile on his plumped lips.

Delilah knew he was talking about her behavior. She would usually be more out there, more talkative, but how could she be talkative when she was on her death bed?

"I'm fine Axel, you don't always have to worry about me." Delilah said with a fake smile, something she found herself doing a lot.

The two ate in silence when they got in the restaurant. Delilah ate her burger looking at Axel eat his.

Axel shifted uncomfortably feeling Delilah's eyes on him, but Delilah didn't care she wanted to admire his pretty face as long as she could.

Axel was always the shy type, which Delilah loved. The first time she saw him she knew he had to be hers, she wanted to feel his lips all over her body as she moaned in his ear.

She wanted to ride him until he couldn't take it anymore, wanted to hear his moans in her ear as he came inside of her.

Delilah felt herself becoming wet from these thoughts, she squeezed her legs tightly, wanting to go to her apartment and masturbate to these fantasies.

After the two were done eating the two went back to Delilah's apartment wanting to watch a movie since it's been awhile.

Delilah grabbed some blankets and pillows placing them on the floor. She then made some popcorn and grabbed some snacks from her pantry.

As the two watched the hour long movie she felt herself becoming more wet as she watched Axel lick chocolate from his lips. She watched as he placed more candy in his mouth and taking a sip of his drink.

Delilah stared at him some more not wanting to miss any second of him eating. Axel watched the movie not noticing Delilah's eyes on him.

When the movie ended Axel helped clean up even though Delilah insisted that he didn't need to. Delilah watched as Axel placed everything back in place like she wanted.

She loved how he payed close attention to her and how he knew that she hated her things out of place.

"Okay...well...I'll see you tomorrow." Axel said playing with his fingers. Delilah watched him do this wanting his fingers inside of her.

"Okay, can I get a hug first?" Delilah said opening her arms to him. Axel bent down giving her a big hug. She took these five seconds to smell him, which made her smile.

He smelt of chocolate and popcorn. She then pulled away slowly not wanting to let him go. Axel gave her a last squeeze before letting go.

"Bye." He said walking backwards waving at her.

"Bye." Delilah said waving back. When Axel was gone she locked the door and went straight in her bedroom, she then went in her nightstand pulling out her purple vibrator.

That night Delilah had a good sleep and a good ass orgasm.

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