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Delilah and Axel spent the day moving Axel's stuff into Delilah's apartment. The two decided that it would be best if Axel moved in for the baby.

Delilah organized the room the best way she could before feeling satisfied with her work.

"I'm so happy we're living together." Delilah said standing on her tippy toes to give Axel a hug.

"Me too, I'll make sure to provide for you and our baby." He said squeezing her back.

Delilah smiled as he said this. She was happy that Axel didn't leave her after finding out she was pregnant.

Axel's phone dinged, making him move away from Delilah.

"I have to go for a while, I might not come back for a couple of hours." Axel said kissing Delilah on the cheek.

"Why? Where are you going?"

"Just out for awhile, call me if you need something Angel." Axel said kissing Delilah on the cheek and leaving the room.

After a couple of hours of sitting there by herself, Delilah got a text from Axel telling her to get dressed up.

Delilah quickly got out of bed getting dressed, and doing her hair and makeup. As Delilah slipped on her heels she heard a knock on the door.

"Hi Philip, what are you doing here?" Delilah said when she opened the door.

"Came to pick you up, come on." Philip said grabbing Delilah by the hand.

Philip opened the car door for Delilah as she got in. Delilah sat in the passengers seat confused about why Philip was picking her up.

"Philip where are we going?" Delilah said as Philip started the car.

"You'll see when we get there."

After about five minutes of driving Philip parked the car in front of a restaurant. Philip ran to open Delilah's door, helping her out.

"Just wait right here." Philip said running in the building.

Delilah stood by the car waiting patiently for Philip to come back.

"Okay come one, and close your eyes:" Philip said after a couple seconds.

Delilah closed her eyes, and felt Philip guide her. As Delilah walked into the restaurant she felt herself walk down some stairs.

"Okay, don't open your eyes yet." Delilah heard some movement as she kept her eyes shut.

The sound of paper was heard and feet shuffling.

"Open your eyes angel." 

When Delilah opened her eyes she felt tears come to her eyes as she saw decorations put up, and saw Philip and his boyfriend holding up a sign.

Axel walked over to Delilah with both his hands behind his back. He wore a suit that had fitted him well.

"Hi beautiful."

"Hi." Axel placed a kiss on Delilah's forehead.

"I love you so much angel, and I want us, and our baby to be together forever." Axel said pulling his hand from his back, handing Delilah a white rose.

Delilah took the rose feeling tears roll down her cheek.

Axel got down on one knee holding Delilah's in his hand. He then pulled out a black box and looked up at Delilah.

"Delilah, angel, will you marry me?"

"Yes!" Delilah said picking Axel and kissing him deeply.

Axel then placed the ring on Delilah's finger and kissed her some more. Roses then fell from the ceiling and music started to play.

"I love you." Delilah said smiling as she let go of Axel.

"I love you too." The two kissed some more enjoying there moment.


Delilah grabbed her bag off her bed walking into her bathroom. She then brushed her teeth and walked back into the room.

"Come on Ares, we have to meet daddy at the restaurant. " Delilah said picking her baby up while kissing him on the cheek.

Delilah drove to the restaurant feeling sick. She had been feeling sick for a couple of days but didn't go to the doctor, thinking it was just sickness from delivery.

"Hi love." Delilah said placing Ares in a high chair and giving Axel a kiss on the lips.

"Hi Angel, how's your day going beautiful?" Axel said kissing Ares on the forehead.

"It's okay, just haven't been feeling good." Delilah said taking a seat.

"Do you need  to go to the doctor?"

"No, I think it's just after pregnancy sickness or something.

"Angel if you need to go to the doctor go, I don't want anything bad to happen to you love."

"I know, let's just eat." Delilah said digging in to the food that was already on the table.

After a couple minutes of talking Delilah felt herself get dizzy. She then took a sip of water hoping it would go away.

Just then Delilah felt herself falling to the floor before blackness hit her.

Sorry for the long wait! I hope you guys loved this chapter please leave comments, I love to hear everyone's thoughts on what they think, and  please vote.

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