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Matteo's voice caught my attention. I turned to see his face and I knew instantly that it was important. I had been sparring with the other capo regimes when he ran in, his face pale. 

It has been a few days since Aria was introduced to the mafia and it's safe to say that everyone has fallen in love with her, myself included. She has been nagging me to start training but I have refused for the time being. She got shot a week ago, there is no way I am letting her do anything that may re-open her wound. Much to her reluctance, she has been prohibited from entering the gym. the last time she came in, she had been running on the treadmill for 30 minutes before I walked in. 

Silly woman. 

She was adamant that she would help my mafia in some way, stating that she is my 'sidekick' and that she has to do something. So I got Gio, Astrid and Veronica to teach her coding. According to him, she is a natural and could actually be a real asset to the technological side of my mafia in the near future. 

I grabbed a towel and hung it around my shoulders, following Matteo to wherever he was leading me.

We entered my office, the guys, Damien, Silas and Astrid were following me as well. I sat down on my desk. the table that was in this room a few days has been removed. It's only brought in when there are large meetings. 

I looked at Matteo. "Well? What is it?" I barked. I wasn't really in the mood for bullshit today, it was Saturday and I was planning on getting back to my room before Ria woke up, it was only 7am after all. 

"Leo, don't get mad." Gio mumbled as he passed me his laptop.

It's safe to say, what was on the screen made me mad.

"They know where we are?!" I yelled, standing up out of my seat, making most of them flinch. "How the fuck do they know where we are?" 

"One of our men found a tracker on one of the cars. We think that they must have put it on the car at the airport in Rome." Theo was the one to answer me. 

"Fuck. Silas, Damien, I want Aria to have permanent bodyguards. I don't care what you have to do, she needs to be protected. Also, start training those newbies now, we need as much manpower as we can." They both nodded and left the room to carry out my orders. 

"Astrid, go and help Gio with tracking down any of the Russians that are nearby, I know you have experience in that field." 

"Sì Capo." The two walked out of my office after giving me a curt nod, Leaving just Enzo, Killian and Theo in the room. 

I ran my fingers through my messy hair,sighing deeply.

"Leo? You okay?" 

I looked up at the men that I called my brothers, my family, and for the first time, I know that they all saw my true emotions. 


Fear of losing the one thing I care about, the one thing that's important to me, the one person that I couldn't live without. Fuck, we've only known each other for a few months, but I already know that I couldn't live without her. 

"I can't lose her."

"We won't. I only just got my baby sister back, we are going to keep her safe." Theo stated, his jaw clenched and face cold. 

I was going to respond when a knock at the door interrupted me. 


Two guards walked into my office but they weren't what made me stand up. It was the small person standing between them, wrapped in a duvet.

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