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I was home.

Finally, we pulled up into the drive of Leo's estate. Astrid woke me up as drove up towards the front porch.

Giovanni got out of the car and went up to the door, telling us that he was going to explain everything to the guys so they don't freak out. Astrid and Niko helped me out of the car, each of them supporting a side of me.

Slowly, we walked up the steps one at a time. My ribs were killing me but I was determined to see my family again. As we neared the doors, I recognised my two bodyguards standing on duty.

"Samuel? Nero?"

They both turned towards me, shock evident on their faces. Within a minute, both were on their knees begging for my forgivness.

"Get up, please." They both stood up again, their heads still bowed. "Look at me. Both of you." Their eyes met mine. "I don't blame either of you. You couldn't have known and I told you to wait inside. It was no one's fault except the bastards that took me. Capisce?"

"Sì, Donna." They both said in sync and sent me a small smile.

Astrid opened the door and I was met with multiple pairs of eyes on me. Killian and Matteo as well as the caporegimes were all there, bright smiles on their faces. One by one, they all came and gave me a gentle hug. Nikolai and Astrid were still helping me stand.

I was about to ask where three people I missed the most were, but I was interrupted by the sound of voices.

"Where is she? if this is some sick joke I will skin you all alive. especially you, Enzo."

Hearing Leo's voice for the first time in months was like hearing your favourite song that you thought you would never hear again. Tears were filling my eyes as I heard him walk towards me.

"Hey! Move." I heard Theo yell at Gio.

All of the caporegimes moved to the side and then I saw him.


He was here, I was here.

"Amore mio," He whispered, running up to me, pulling me into his arms, capturing my lips in the most passionate kiss we have ever shared. It expressed so many emotions, anger, hurt, happiness,


I pulled back, a bright smile playing on both of our faces.

"I missed you." I smiled.

"I missed you so much more, my love." He replied, tears streaming down his face.

"h-how? We thought you were dead." He asked, still holding me.

"Well, Nikolai, he helped me-" I turned and pointed to Niko.

At the mention of Niko, Leo's face changed from pure joy to pure anger.

"Nikolai Ivanov?" He asked in a deadly tone, looking directly at Nikolai


"Heir to the Russian Mafia?"


"I'm going to fucking kill you."

"No. You're not." I replied, my tone equally as serious as his.

"Seriously Aria? A fucking Russian?"

At that, I hit him across the head. Hard.

"If it wasn't for Niko, I would have been dead. The whole time I was in that hell, he has treated me with nothing but kindness. He has treated my injuries to the best of his ability and he was the one that brought me here today. If you don't show him the respect he deserves I will blow a fuse Mr Romano." I said, poking my index finger into his chest.

"I'm sorry amore mio." He mumbled.

"Good." I replied, placing a kiss to his jaw. "Can we sit down? My ribs are kinda hurting." I whispered in his ear.

I didn't need to ask again as he took me into the living room and everyone else followed us, taking their seats on the multiple sofas. Leo sat me on his lap, his arms around my waist.

"Are you comfortable bambina?"

I nodded and leant back into his hard chest.

"We are taking you to a doctor after we have all caught up." Leo whispered in my ear.

On my left was Theo who was holding my hand tightly as if he was afraid I would disappear again. I understood, he's already lost me twice and he even thought I was dead.

On my right hand side Enzo was there. He had a huge giddy smile on his face. He'd already told me 50 times how much he missed me.

Everyone wished me a happy birthday and I got loadssss of hugs :)

After we had all caught up a little, Leo interrupted the conversation.

"I know that it might be hard, amore, but we need you to tell us what happened."

"Yeah, um, of course."

Leo started rubbing my thigh in comfort and Theo squeezed my hand in support. I took a deep breath before starting from the beginning.

"Well, I had made the sandwiches for you all and I wanted to have a little picnic and I remembered that there was a picnic basket in the shed. I made Samuel and Nero stay behind, so it wasn't their fault. When I was in the shed, s-some guy put his hand around my mouth and h-he held a rag up to my face. I-I think it had some sort of chemical on it. Then everything went black.

When I woke up, I was chained to the wall and three guys came in and Nikolai was following them. The man at the front w-was the boss. H-he called me a bitch and then he hit me. He kept hitting me and the other two did as well. Then one of them got a knife a-and they-"

I stopped, trying to calm myself so I didn't have a panic attack.

"They started cutting my stomach and my l-legs."

"Why didn't you help her?" Leo growled out sending Niko a death glare.

"I apologise, Don, but if I had then we both would've been killed instantly." He replied, his face just as serious.

I pulled Leo's face to look at mine. "I'm okay now. Calm down." I whispered while stroking his cheek with my thumb.

"Niko would always clean my wounds and get me ointment for my bruises. After a few days he brought me painkillers every night to help me sleep and he would try and bring me extra food when it was possible. He helped me escape. I owe him my life." I stated sincerely looking at Nikolai.

Niko cleared his throat. "I know you all don't trust me, but believe me when I say that I am on your side. I despise everything my father has done with our Mafia and when I get control, I am making major changes. I had no idea what his plan was against you, but if you'll allow me, I intend to help you all take down the organisation, and I will improve it, and I hope that you would consider forging an alliance of sorts, Leonardo."

Leo thought about it for a second. "Okay, I am only trusting you because you have proven me that you are trustworthy and my girlfriend seems to have taken a liking to you." He grumbled.

Nikolai's face lit up at that. "Thank you, you won't regret it-"

"but, if I find out that you have tricked us, I will skin you and send your peelings back to your family. Capisce?"

Nikolai nodded and smiled.

"Let me show you to a room." I tried to get up off of Leo's lap.

"No, no, no, amore mio. We had an agreement. Catch up, then hospital."



Author's note:

I have motivationnn yesss!

thank you for reading! <3

Ticket to VeronaOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara