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I tied my sweat-soaked blond locks into a messy bun. My hand wraps were coming unraveled but we were only getting started. Alastor rubbed his jaw, sore from my last punch.

"C'mon Alastor, you're off your game today what's up?" I laughed.

He huffed in annoyance, throwing his hands back up into starting position.

I rolled my eyes at his sour mood. Usually he enjoyed these training sessions, but today his mind was elsewhere.

"Let's get this over with." He grumbled.

"So we can pull that stick out of your ass?" I joked.

He lunged at me, sloppily tossing his right fist towards my face. I blocked it easily and swung my own left hook, knocking him down on his ass.

As I'm about to walk over and lend him a hand up, a maid walks into the training room.

"Excuse my intrusion my king, but your assistance is needed in the infirmary."

"What for?" My tone serious. I saw Alastor get up from the corner of my eye. Wiping blood from his lip.

"We found a girl in the garden, she's hurt awfully bad." The maid frowned.

"What do I care? Just fix her up and send her on her way." I rolled my eyes. The girl should be lucky I don't send her to the dungeon for trespassing on my palace grounds.

"Sir," the maid paused rubbing her hands together nervously, "she's a fairy."

I looked back at Alastor. His expression matched my own surprised one. "Let's go," I spoke.

The three of us stalked out of the room, the maid leading the way.

A fairy? What would a random fairy girl be doing on palace property? How did she even get to this realm?

We walked hastily down the long corridor to the infirmary. The maid held the door open as Alastor and I walked in. The place was packed with maids huddling around the entrance to the back room. That must be where the girl is.

"Everybody clear out!" I boomed. The maids scattered, filing out the door. "Except you Xena." I looked over at her.

She nodded in my direction as though she already knew. Xena and I have been friends since we were little. She grew up with Alastor, Odelia, and me. She was the head doctor at the palace.

Once all of the maids left, Xena walked over to me and Alastor. "I'm not sure how to treat her, I've never even seen a real fairy before until now." Xena ran a hand down her face, squeezing her temples with her fingers. "She is still unconscious and pretty bruised up on her ribs. But the odd thing I found was that one of the tattooed wings on her back is bleeding, the ink is bleeding." She rushed out. "Also, I'm not exactly sure she's even a fairy. Everything I've ever read about them says that they have colorful hair and pale skin. She doesn't fit that description," she says, trying to make sense of her own observation.

"Can we see her?" I asked curiously. For some reason, I felt a pull to see this fairy. I had never seen one in person either. None of us demons have.

She nods her head and leads us into the back room, pulling the curtain back so we could see the cot she was laying in. "I've wrapped up most of the bruises and scrapes, but I just couldn't stop the inked wing from bleeding..." she trailed off.

As soon as I laid my eyes on the girl my inner demon lit up like a wildfire. I felt my eyes turn black and my inked hands get hot, threatening to burst into flames. My heart thrummed in my chest, wanting to touch her. Wanted to feel if her skin was as soft as it looked. Her beautiful, bruised... skin. My eyes raked over her body, she was practically naked. Bandages bound her ribs and breast. She lay on the cot with a thin blanket covering her lower half. Her head was turned to the side on the pillow, long dark hair spilling across the bed. I felt the urge to run my fingers through it and tug softly on the strands.

She was, "Mine."

My deep voice rumbled, and Alastor and Xena were taken aback at my simple statement.

"Adrik what are you- she can't be- she's a-" Alastor stuttered.

"She's my mate." I snapped.

Entranced by her, I found my feet walking toward the young girl. She couldn't be any older than 20 years. Her supple face looked as though it was created by Aphrodite herself. I hesitated to touch her, looking at my inked black hands as if they would corrupt her pure olive skin. I needed to cool down.

I looked over to Xena, her brows knit together as if trying to figure out how this could be. Different races never have different mates. Demons have demon mates, fairies have fairy mates, and so on. There has never been an exception. So why was this fairy girl mine?

I wanted her to move to my bed. She would be more comfortable there rather than on this infirmary cot. I slid one arm under her shoulder blades and my other under her thighs, picking her up bridal style.

"W-wait you can't just-" Xena started to protest my actions. I walked right past her and Alastor. Their slackjawed expressions displayed clearly on their faces as I left the room.

The girl's shallow breaths fanned across my bicep as I carried her down the hall to my room. The guards stationed at my chambers opened the doors for me upon my arrival. I told them to take the rest of the night off as I slipped inside. Walking over to the bed, I hesitated before setting her down on the silky sheets. I wanted to continue to hold her in my arms just a bit longer. How could someone look so peaceful yet be in so much pain?

After placing her down carefully, I walked to my wardrobe and pulled one of my shirts for her to wear. I slipped it over her small frame. It fit like a dress on her. The dark theme of the room seemed to contrast with her glowing features. Her dark black hair was the only thing that tied in, almost matching the bedsheets in color.

I was covered in sweat from the boxing session earlier. I wanted to take a shower and climb into bed with her, but I couldn't leave her side. I couldn't even take my eyes off of her. I felt so protective, so possessive over her. Yet, I didn't even know her name.

I kneeled down by the bed side. Slipping my rough hand into her own delicate one. She stirred in her sleep from the contact. Unconsciously curling her fingers around mine, and holding them tighter as if she didn't want me to leave. She didn't know it yet, but she never had to worry about that.

I was never leaving her side.

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