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A man whom I did not recognize entered the infirmary room. He had firey red hair and a threatening aura. The man looked around seeming to be surprised. I shifted on my feet feeling uncomfortable as his gaze lingered on me. I desperately wanted to run to my mate, but, I stood my ground not wanting to seem childish.

Adrik looked at me from the other side of the desk as if sensing my discomfort. He reached a hand out and I stepped away from Xena and around the table. I placed my hand in his, almost sighing at the instant relief his touch brought. He pulled me toward him until I felt his warm embrace.

Adrik turned me around so that my back was touching his front. "Alastor, I would like to formally introduce you to Raven, my mate."

I noticed the slightest change in Alastor's expression once Adrik said the word 'mate'.

Nonetheless, the man slowly graced forward into the room. "How very nice to make your acquaintance," his jaw ticked. "Raven," he finished, smiling deviously.

I stayed mute, no words able to form on my tongue. This man makes me feel uneasy.

Xena spoke up next, "What brings you here Al?"

Alastor grimaced at the nickname she gave him. It seemed as though the three of them had known each other for quite a while. The way Xena had a given name for him, and how Adrik felt the need to introduce me.

"I'm sure it's the same as you all." Alastor slowly approached the desk. "I know each one of us is quite curious as to how all this is possible. I simply seek answers as well." His smile looked forced.

"Yea well It's too bad all of these books seem to be dead ends," Xena sighed, slumping back in her chair once again.

"Except for the ones with the missing pages." I felt my mate's chest rumble as he spoke. "If we find the author then we may very well find our answers."

Alastor looked down curiously. He placed his palms on the desk to lean over and look at the open books. I heard Red hiss from his spot under the table.

Alastor jumped back, surprised at the sound the little creature made. "It seems a pest snuck into the castle," he bristled, looking at the fox below him.

I slipped out of Adrik's arms and kneeled on the ground. Scooping up Red from his defensive stance on the floor. I held him close to my chest. I guess he felt the same way about the man that I did. I peered up at Alastor from my spot on the floor and found him looking back down at me with malice in his eyes.

I barely know this man, yet why do I get the sense that he dislikes me already?

I could feel Adrik's gaze on me, and I could sense his resolve crumbling, most likely at the fact that I am barely wearing any clothes in front of another man.

"H-his name is Red," I say quietly, trying to defend my defenseless creature and ignore my agitated mate. Red nuzzles into my arms, yet still keeps an eye on Alastor.

Adrik pulls me back against his chest in the same position, placing his arms around my own that held Red. "They will both be staying at the castle from now on," he stated, directing his words towards Alastor.

Him saying it out loud makes my heart skip a beat. I'll be staying in the demon realm for the rest of my days. No more cozy cottage, berry picking, or long walks to the marketplace. Granted, the fairies in the fairy realm never did accept me, but I loved it there. It was always bright and sunny. The flowers in my garden greeted me every day with their colorful petals. I could walk out to the little pond beside my house and watch the tadpoles grow and the water lilies bloom. I suddenly felt sad at the fact that I would never experience those things again. The demon realm is desolate, the two suns don't do any favors other than scorching the land of all the green plant life. The forest and oasis trees were the only vegetation that was strong enough to survive. Even if the greenery was able to withstand the heat of the day, it would never be able to resist the cold of the night. It was a surprise that the royal garden was able to stand up to the harsh environment. Though, with all the groundskeepers and landscapers keeping careful watch, I'm sure it is well taken care of.

Alastor broadened his false grin. "Oh goody,"

Adrik didn't seem to notice Alastor's condescending tone and instead pushed me behind him as he walked closer to where his friend stood by the desk. "I want you to send out some men to find this man," Adrik held up a book from the desk.

Alastor took the book from his grasp, reading the cover. He flipped it over in his hands. "It has the mark of the fairy realm emblem."

"What?" Xena questioned, rising quickly from her chair. She stepped next to Alastor and scanned her eyes across the back cover. "It is," she confirmed, "it's faded, but the fairy emblem is there."

"Then you must go there and find him," Adrik said to Alastor.

"Adrik, with all due respect, we can't just teleport into the fairy realm. It goes against our peace treaty."

Demons in the fairy realm would surely set off widespread panic.

"I'll let the fairy king know you are coming." Power oozed from his voice. "Besides, we aren't hurting anyone. We are simply looking for a man."

As if an idea popped into Alastor's head, his expression changed. "Very well, we will leave at once." He agreed.

Alastor shot me one last sinister smile before leaving the room without as much as a goodbye. The room was quiet for a second after the door clicked shut.

"Well Al is acting weirder than usual," Xena snorted.

"You know he hates that nickname," my mate laughed. "You've taunted the poor guy with it ever since we were young."

So they have known each other for a while.

Adrik focused his attention back on me. "As much as I love seeing your ass hang out of my shirts when you bend over, we need to get you some real clothes."

I felt a blush creep up my neck at his statement. Xena chuckled.

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