Chapter 21: We're flying!

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"All right! It's 7:00 AM. We should arrive at the destination area at around 11:00 AM! the old-timer said the knock-up steam shoots change each time, so we need to arrive beforehand and find it!..."

Shoujou's lessons started to fade away. Not because he stops talking but you're starting to get bored by listening to him and your brain just automatically shuts him off.

Luffy does all the stupid things. He can entertain you no matter what situation you guys are in. So you decided to give all of your attention to Luffy.

You slapped the back of his head and scolded him for bothering the compass-like bird with an amused smile on your face.

"Enough, Luffy. Stop bothering it" He pouted but keeps bothering the bird since he's too fucked up to listen to you.

You sigh and just watch the drama in front of you silently.


"Bad news, boss! Night's coming from the southwest! Cumuloregalis clouds!" That caught your attention and made you glance ahead of your ship while sitting comfortably at the railings with Ash circled beside you, sleeping.

'Oh, no. You gotta be fucking with me'

"Seriously? What time is it?" Masira asked his subordinate.

"It's 10:00 AM! It's way earlier than we expected!"

"This is bad, Shoujou. Can we still make it?"

"Utan Divers! Into the sea immediately! Look for currents!" Shoujou ordered his people.

"Those are Cumuloregalis clouds?!" Exclaimed Nami in both disbelief and amazement.

Shoujou uses his annoying talent of screaming again to notify his people who are underwater to report to him.

"Reflected sound detected! Large current at 12:00!"

"Large creature detected at 9:00! Appears to be a sea king!"

"Waves going against the current detected at 10:00! I believe it's a giant whirlpool!" Reported the last person.

You tap Ash with your right foot and motion him to come closer to you just in case things get wrong and you need an immediate life vest. You don't wanna die sinking in the sea and resurrecting again under it just to die again. Hell no, man.

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