Valentine's Day

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"What is wrong with all these people?" Madhu asks in disgust watching a guy give a girl a red rose.

"Come on, Mads... it is Valentine's Day." Trishna says smiling.

"I don't believe in this V- Day and all. Do you know that maximum number of break ups happen on Valentine's day?" Madhu asks her.

"Still it is the most romantic day of the year." Trishna says dreamily.

"You shouldn't wait for just one day for romance. Every day should be something meaningful in a relation." Madhu tells her.

"Why are you so anti-Valentine's day?" Trishna asks her curiously.

Madhu shrugs and looks away. She spots a guy proposing a girl and sighs. She knew she was being a hypocrite. If she was in a relation then she would have been equally or even more excited than her college mates but she was not, she was single and depressed. Madhu looks at the college beauty, Dipali. Guys were fawning her, as she enjoyed the attention. Madhu sighs as she looked at herself in the window reflection, she closes her eyes in disappointment, the outdated specs, curly hair, and the geeky look... she was never going to find a guy. All her friends had boyfriends; she was the only single girl in her gang. For all she knew, she might be the only single girl in their college. She was going to die a virgin! Madhu mentally moans.

Her gaze again falls on Dipali, what she would give to be in her shoes. Being chased by every guy, the envy of every girl, oh God! She really needed a life or a boyfriend.

"You heard? Dipali and RK broke up." Trishna tells her seeing her watch Dipali.

"Yeah I heard." Madhu tells her. Hell! She knew about the break up minutes after it had happened last month. When it was something concerning Rishabh Kundra, she got to know about it first, because Rishabh Kundra was her business. He was the love of her life, has been since she set her eyes on him two years ago. But she never kept any hope on him ever noticing her or fantasizing about a happily ever after with him. simply because, Rishabh Kundra was the most popular guy in college and she... her mother at times forgot her name. *Sigh* So, it had happened like, on June 3rd, 2012 at 8:43 am she had walked in to college, at 8:45:00 am she saw him leaning on his car chatting with his friends with that sexy gorgeous sinful smirk on his face, at 8:45:01 she fell truly, madly and deeply in love with him and then exactly at 8:46 am she had decided that she will not hold her breath in waiting for him to notice her as he had looked right through her. So she had kept her options open to find her happily ever after with some other humans and not a farishta like Rishabh Kundra who was way out of her reach. But at times, she just couldn't help herself and finds herself watching him and he had caught her looking at him so many times.

"It's seems they broke up like last month or so." Trishna tells her.

Even though they had broken up, those two had remained friends and kept their break up under wraps. Looks like they informed everyone about their break up.

"Wonder why they never made it public."

Madhu shrugs in reply as she watched Sultan propose Dipali and she accepting. She wanted to die! Why did she come to college on Valentine 's Day.

"There is Mukund!" Trishna says excitedly. "I'll see you later."

Madhu watches as Trishna ran towards her boyfriend all happy and excited. She looks around and depression started setting in as she watched all the couples around. If someone up above is listening, then please at least next Valentine's Day make sure that I am not single! Even I want a guy, who could love me, pamper me, fight with me and do ding-dong with me. I just want someone who would love me like crazy and who I can love like a shameless lunatic. All I want is love and be loved. So please! Send me a dude or a geek or whatever, all I want is him to be mine and mine alone.


Madhu freezes and then slowly turns her head to her side to find Rishabh Kundra standing next to her with a naughty and nervous smile. Madhu's eyes pops out realizing that he was looking at her, The Geeky Madhubala Malik!

"I wanted to ask you something." RK says as he ran his hand through his hair with a nervous chuckle.

Madhu keeps staring at him with her eyes popping out.

"I got this for you but then I saw you looking at Rajeev and Alicia in disgust." RK says confused.

Madhu continues to gape at him as he offered her a rose.

"So I got you this also." RK says.

Madhu looks at his other hand to see ice-cream.

"So... what I am trying to ask you is that..." RK says as he nervously shifted from one foot to another, "Will you be my Valentine, Madhubala Malik?"

Exactly a year later, Madhu was watching all the couples celebrating Valentine's Day in sheer depression. What did I do to deserve this?

"Why are you making that face?" Trishna asks her curiously.

Madhu glares at her in reply and then turns to glare at all the happy couples furiously.

"What do you have against Valentine's Day?" Trishna asks her irritated.

"Shut up!" Madhu replies furiously.

"What is wrong with her?" Trishna asks RK in a whisper.

"She wants to celebrate Valentine's Day." RK tells her in disgust.

"And you don't?" Trishna asks him shocked out of her wits.

"What is so special about it? No one is going to love anyone more or less because it is Valtnine's Day. The only good thing about it is that it is a good day to propose and generally girls are in a mood to say yes on Valentine's Day."

"So you are not going to celebrate it?"

RK shrugs. "She knows I love her and I know she loves me."

Trishna sighs dramatically.

"That is not it!" Madhu says furiously.

RK chuckles hearing her and turning to look at Trishna he says, "It is our one year anniversary."

"Oh! What plans?" Trishna asks excitedly.

"Plans? No plans! What is with you girls? Anniversary of being a couple, anniversary of first kiss, second base anniversary, third base anniversary, love making anniversary. At this rate, every day would be an anniversary!"

"So no plans? No gifts? Nothing?" Trishna asks him.

RK grins at her and Madhu furiously informs her, "I got him a watch and I wrote him a beautiful letter listing out 101 reasons why I love him!"

"Oh... that is so romantic Mads!"

"It was sweet." RK says smiling.

"That's it?" Madhu asks him furiously.

"I was very touched!"

"Touched! My foot!" Madhu says furiously.

"Fine, Maddy. If you want to celebrate Valentine's Day and our anniversary we will. What do you want to do?" RK asks her.


"What now?" RK asks confused.

"You don't question, you do things." Trishna loudly whispers to him and walks off.

"Oh!" he turns to Madhu and asks her, ""What to do Maddy? Give me some ideas."

"OH MY GOD! What did I do to deserve this?" Madhu furiously asks looking up.

"I thought you send up a prayer." RK tells her with a wink.

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