Wedding Vows

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Eid Mubarak everyone...

How are you?

This is a small story... fair warning, some might find this story a little problematic.

As the taxi came to a stop, Madhu looks at her house with nervousness. It's been three years since she had left home. Madhu takes a deep breath and gets out of the car.

As she walked to her house her heart beat increased rapidly. Her palms started sweating. She nervously wipes her hand on her salwar. Then as if on instinct, her gaze turns to the neighboring house, hoping to catch a glimpse of RK. His presence always calmed her. then realizing the stupidity of seeing him right now, she shakes her head and hurries forward.

Even after coming to her family home after three years, she didn't feel nostalgic, all she felt was the anger towards her family. Their betrayal was too big even today for her. she rings the bell as she took another deep breath.

"Madhu?" Padmini says in surprise seeing her at the door.

"Hello Ma." Madhu says feeling a little bit joy in seeing her.

"I can't believe you are here." Padmini says as she hugged her happily with tears flowing down her face. "Thank you so much for coming back."

Madhu wraps her hands around her mother. "I didn't come back, Ma. I have one day's work in our Mumbai office, so I am here for that. I thought I'll just drop in and see you all."

"You are here just for a day?" Padmini asks her, her heart breaking as she looked at Madhu.

"Yes. I'll have to leave in half an hour to office." Madhu tells her.

"Please don't go, Madhu." Padmini quickly requests her.

"I've work, Ma. I've a busy day." Madhu tells her as she steps aside. "Where is Papa and Daddaji?"

"They are inside." Padmini says realizing that Madhu has still not forgiven them.

Madhu nods as she started walking in.

"You came alone?"


"Sultan didn't come?" Padmini asks her.

"Why should he come?" Madhu asks her frowning.

"He is so protective about you, he never lets you travel alone... so, I was just wondering." Padmini tells her as she walked to her.

"Bhabhi and he are busy." Madhu tells her.

"You lost weight from the last time I saw you." Padmini tells her smiling.

"When did you see me?" Madhu asks confused with a frown.

"Meera had forwarded a photo; Dipali had sent her with you in it. It was a photo you took during Dipali's birthday dinner."

"Ah okay." Madhu nods. Yeah, she did lose about 14 kg since that day.

"I am so happy."

"You seem more happy seeing me lose weight than seeing me." Madhu snubs at her.

"It is not that. You start eating when you are depressed. And you put on weight because of depression eating, right? I am happy that it is not the case now."

Madhu scoffs at her. "How you know everything!"

Padmini sadly looks at her. "Madhu, I know you feel hurt and betrayed by what happened..."

"Those are too small words for what you all did to me." Madhu furiously cuts her off.

"Who is it, Padmini?" Madhu hears her father ask from the inner room and she quickly walks in.

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