Part 35

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In the living room of Wei Ming's family, several people sat in a row like kindergarten children, holding an apple in their hands, which had been peeled.

But Yan Ting was the only one who didn't.

Mr. and Mrs. Wei Ming and their assistant Sun Qing glanced at each other, and neither of them dared to eat.

Lin Yuan continued to cut apples, and the sharp fruit knife was used flexibly by him, smoothly cutting off a large section of apple peel.

"Say, why did you run out of the hospital?" Lin Yuan took a bite of the apple, and his delicate brow wrinkled.

It's so sweet, it's not tasty at all.

Lin Yuan disgustedly shoved the apple into Yan Ting's hand, and peeled a tangerine skin and stuffed it into his mouth, which made him feel more comfortable.

Obviously, the cub in his stomach has been more than three months, and he has passed the initial early pregnancy and nausea period, but recently morning sickness has returned and tortured people.

These days, Lin Yuan actually did not live in Wei Ming's house, but lived in a nearby hotel.

Wei Ming's wife also did not travel on business, and she also made him food every day.

Lin Yuan deliberately asked Qin Mian to say that, that is, he wanted to be angry, who told this old man not to keep his promise and go to pick himself up and go home.

I thought to myself that I was really going to be a single father.

Lin Yuan grew up with his mother, and he remembers that when he was in elementary school, many of his classmates said that he was a wild breed without a father, did not play with him, and threw garbage into his desk drawer.

Whenever the textbook was soiled or pulled out of the belly of the desk with a dead bug, Lin Yuan would think that he would definitely give his children a complete family in the future. <

It didn't matter if he raised his cubs, but in his heart he hoped that Yan Ting could accept the cubs and be his father.

Even if you don't pay child support, as long as you can come to see the child from time to time, let the cub know that he also has a father and a father.

That's it.

The moment Yan Ting said he was going to take him home, Lin Yuan almost jumped up from the bed happily. If it wasn't still dark at that time, he would have been eager to let Yan Ting set off immediately.

But Yan Ting reneged on his word and was three days late.

In those three days, Lin Yuan thought countless times that he had worked hard to grow up, struggled to support himself, and escaped from the environment where he had been pointed out, but in the end he could not get rid of the fate of a single-parent family.

His children may repeat their mistakes in the future...

You can't do that!

Lin Yuan returned with a small suitcase.

He thought, fortunately, he was back. Otherwise, you may not know for the rest of your life, and the original Yan Ting's childhood is not much better than his own.

The life of a rich family is actually not so good.

Yan Ting cherished the apple in his hand, did not want to eat, deep eyes looked at the pretended fierce little face, and gently opened his mouth: "Yuanyuan, I miss you." In an instant, Lin Yuan was out of breath.

This old thing, is there anything to say that two people carry together?

He wasn't really a three-year-old kid, so why didn't he tell him and hide alone for treatment? <

After I was pregnant with my cub, I was favored by the giantsWhere stories live. Discover now