Part 82

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The end of eating too much fruit is that after only a few bites of lunch, you feel full.

His stomach was in a panic, there was still a large part left in the bowl, and Lin Yuan's eating action slowed down. The soup rice doesn't need to be chewed much, the temperature is moderate, spoon after spoon, should be able to eat soon.

But when the old man and Yan Ting had finished eating, the contents of his bowl had not yet decreased.

Lin Yuan ate a spoonful for half a day, and did not dare to say that he did not want to eat.

After cleaning up his and his father's dishes, Yan Ting turned his head and just saw Lin Yuan looking up at himself, his amber eyes covered with a layer of water, like the first light after the rain, the young leaves washed by the rain, the color was shiny, bright and amazing.

Lin Yuan bit the spoon, looked at Yan Ying and did not speak, his eyes looked pitiful.

"I have to eat it, at least half of it." Yan Thunder raised his face ruthlessly, his words were cold and hard, and there was no room for negotiation at all.

"Oh." Lin Yuan lowered his head and continued to eat the soup in the bowl, and a wave of grievances surged in his heart, sucking his nose and wanting to cry.

Before he turned into a small crying bag, a hand reached in front of him and took away his bowl, "Not for example."

Lin Yuan immediately nodded like mashing garlic and swore, "Next time I will definitely not eat so much fruit." Eating what he had

left, Yan Ting let out a soft hum without denying it, "Huh..."

"Who hid the potato chips in the quilt last time and spilled a bed?"

"Who hid the bread in the wine cabinet before and got a nest of rats?" <

"Who stuffed the spicy strips into the refrigerator and put them as a spice by the chef?"

"Who is it that stumbles, knocks its mouth full of bubbles, and can't sleep with a painful hum?"

In the face of a pile of "evil deeds" coming out of Yan Ting's mouth, Lin Yuan lowered his head and grabbed the hem of his clothes without saying a word.

It's me, it's me, it's all me.

But isn't this all slanderous?

You don't know if you're pregnant, and your mouth is even more terrible than hunger. I can't sleep, but I can't skip eating!

Stubbornly muttering in his heart, after the words reached his mouth, Lin Yuan did not dare to say a word.

He flattened his mouth and turned his head away from speaking.

Yan Ting looked at him with a smirk and turned to collect the tableware.

The old man leaned on the head of the bed and watched, and his eyes showed a little incredible look.

In his memory, he hadn't seen his son smile in years. To everyone, the corners of the mouth seem to be frozen by ice cubes, and they can never be lifted. Those eyes, in particular, have always been indifferent and distant, no matter what the occasion.

No feelings, no desires, like a backwater lake, can not set off any waves.

As the years go by, the physical function declines, the memory declines, and the old man can't remember many things clearly. But he still remembers the last words yanting's mother said on the day she divorced her and moved out of the house.

She said, "Yan Yu, do you know what I hate about you the most?" It's not that you like the new and hate the old, and you don't sit idly by to your family, but that you raised our son into a monster who doesn't know sorrow and joy! No

After I was pregnant with my cub, I was favored by the giantsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora