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The building was crawling with people. It was easy to get lost in the sea of faces.

The mid-day rush was evident as personnel and guests alike hurried to get their work done at the least possible time. Some beaming with engaging smiles, while others wearing a gloomy frown.

"So who should we pair you up with bestie?"

"I don't know. Make up a name, it's just for this activity anyway."

"We can't. We need to pair you up with a real life person remember?"

"Yes, but everyone in our class has been paired off. Unfortunately we don't have anyone to marry me off to."

"Wait... let me check the last marriage on our data banks here."

"You can't do that! You're messing with government data."

"Well it's not our government. Says here the last marriage took place somewhere in a kingdom called... Moratovia?"

"Never heard of it."

"Neither have I. Anyways, it says the woman was a caregiver who got married to her patient's son."

"Why is it even in the data banks when it's obvious they're not from our 7,107 islands?"

"The woman is a Filipina."

"Figures. Well hurry up. We need the printed fake marriage certificate so we could submit it to professor Delgado."

"I'll need your signatures here... here... and here."

"Alright. Remember, do not enter it at the registry ok? Did you get the name of the person you paired me up with?"

"Yes, ofcourse! Do I look incompetent to you? It's someone with a very long absurd name. Lucian Orion Venerosso Emperius Regente. His sample signature is here as well from... I think it's a Royal Decree of some sort?"

"Good, now hurry up. It's almost lunch, and I see the professor is almost about to leave too. Everyone's running to catch up to her. Hurry!"

"Don't rush me! I might press the wrong key."

"Well, do you want me to..."

"Finished! Here, go take this to prof while I tidy up here."

"Took you long enough."

"You're welcome, biatch."

"Were you talking about your mother again?"

"Har har. Very funny. Here, take these books as well, my hands are numb carrying them around. Let's go."

"Thanks bestie. You know I'm not that techie when it comes to computers and gadgets. Comes with being poor I guess."

"Or just plain lazy to learn. We do use computers and tablets at school remember?"

"Yeah, but it's just not my cup of tea."

"Well, you'd best try to learn somehow. Catch up with the times and all that crap, you know?"

"Time was never on my side."

"I know dear. How's juggling your time at the factory, and studying working out for you?"

"It's not what I expected. Still, it lets me earn enough money to support myself through college though, so I guess I shouldn't complain."

"If you need anything, just holler. Okay?"

"Thanks. But I can manage... for now. Anyways, let's go. We still have Calculus after this. That's one subject I'm good at."

"Lucky me, you can help me with that!"

"Would love to. Now c'mon before the class leaves without us."

Both young adults made their way to where the line that formed with students submitting their tasks to the teacher was, just as a rather bumbling new employer made to sit at the console they just vacated.

"These kids! Can't even exit a program properly before leaving. Guess I'll just submit this entry then." She said before hitting Enter... successfully, and irrevocably, wedding the unsuspecting Lucian Regente with Hope Sueño.

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