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They keep hounding me!

For once, I wish they'd leave me alone... and ignore me. These reporters followed me, made a living out of my mistakes, failures, and misfortunes.

I made it to the hospital in a state of confusion. The papparazzi crowded closer to get a picture of me as I alighted from the chauffer driven Rolls.

My head was pounding due to a hangover I got the night before, after partying 'till four in the morning. I knew I looked awful... and I felt like it.

The room was bright but cold. It smelled of strong medicine and disinfectants.

The king, my father, stood to the side talking to one of the doctors as I entered. My shirt, like my present state had mismatched buttons, crumpled, and unworthy of my title.

She was breathing unevenly, her eyes constantly searching her surroundings. They focused on me, and a sigh escaped her lips as a hand tried to reach for me.

"Mom, I'm here. I'm here." I choked on my words as fear engulfed my very core. I have suffered loss before, great and lasting, but none as severe as the one yet to come.

Here, before my very eyes, lay the only person who understood me without passing judgement on me. She wasn't just my mother... she was my ally, my friend, my one true safe place.

The doctors at the castle informed me of what happened. A massive stroke. They found her face down at the castle gardens. They were able to revive her, but her body was failing her. She wasn't responding to medications, and they fear she was barely holding on to dear life only to say goodbye to me.

"Mom. Mom." I whispered as I cried holding on to her right hand.

"Lucian. My son." Her breathing was ragged. "I have something to tell you."

I nodded through the tears, willing her to stay, to be cured, to be alive knowing that the odds were against us both.

"I love you. I am proud of you. I appreciate you." Those three words alone made me sob, as I realized nobody else said those much needed words to me.

"I see through your disguise. This careless, arrogant persona you try to hide behind, in an attempt to prove yourself unworthy of the crown... knowing fully well that no one deserves to be king more than you.

"Stop fighting your destiny! Embrace it. It is a noble cause to live each day in the service of others. Do not squander your life being angry at your father.

"The losses, the pain, the heartaches you've endured will all one day go away to bring you something... someone... that will outweigh the saddness in your heart.

"Live life as if each day was your last. The future hasn't arrived yet. Live in the moment. Stop punishing yourself for Samantha's death. She would not want to see you like this. I... I... do not like seeing you like this.

"I hope you find someone new who would mend your heart, and bring back the Lucian everybody loves before all this happened.

"Find your purpose... find your meaning, and live a happy life. I..." She took one last breath, before smiling up at me. "Believe in you."

And she was still.

"Mom?" I held on to her hand, not knowing what else to do. "Mom?" I knew I've lost her too. Two people I've loved dearly, snatched from me too soon. "Mom!" I cried, my body wracked by uncontollable sobs.

The doctor came to check her vital signs, a nurse beside him as he announced the time of her passing.

I turned in time to see my father exit the room. His expression was calm, and collected. It was as if her death meant nothing. But I guess that shouldn't surprise me. He barely gave her the importance when she was alive, why should he do so now that she's dead.

"I'm sorry, your highness." The doctor whispered, bringing my attention back to my mother's lifeless body.

"Thank you." I whispered in response back to his words, but also directed to the woman whose life was dedicated to help serve and uphold a proud and honorable kingdom.

"I love you. I am proud of you. I appreciate you." I whispered her words back to her, knowing full well that I have told her that countless times in the past... in the past, where everything was better.

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