Chapter Two

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Four Years Later

"Claudia! Hi! You look adorable, as always,"

Mrs. Steppe said from her porch wearing her usual jolly smile as Claudia rode up her driveway.

She was a friend of her mother and since she passed Mrs. Steppe took to being there for the family more.

It was nice.

She would tell Claudia of the silly things she and Isabelle would do at Claudia's age. She kept Claudia hopeful that she would be like her mother as she aged.

Claudia waved and signed, 'Hello, Mrs. Steppe. Have you got any blackberries for me today?'

She parked her bike near the mailbox and walked to hug Mrs. Steppe.

"I shall never break our ritual!" Mrs. Steppe kissed her cheek and took the carton of blackberries off the table. "Now, once you bake whatever you're making, don't forget to send me a piece." She handed Claudia the carton and patted her hand.

'Yes ma'am! Good day,' Claudia signed and walked back to her bike.

She placed the carton in her basket and rode away from the house and onward to the farmers market.

'What should I buy today?'

Claudia asked herself.

Her lips pursed to the side as she thought of what she needed.

She had a list of essentials.

'Sunflowers, strawberries, blueberries, whole wheat flour, fresh seafood, prime beef, farm fresh eggs, goat milk soap, two whole chickens, Antiguan coffee for dad, White Wine for Isaac, turkey jerky for Eliah, Passion Flowers for Denise, a congratulation painting for Adrian'

'I don't think I need anything,' She decided and pedaled faster to the market.

It wasn't far from their house, she thanked God for that.

Driving was not her forte.

Her father promised to buy her any car she wanted if she simply tried taking the test.

Driving was dangerous. It meant going out into the crazy wild streets and trusting that other drivers knew what they were doing.

Long story short, she didn't ever want to try driving.

She was perfectly fine with riding her bike, taking the tram, and riding with her father or siblings.

She was perfectly fine.


Her eyes caught sight of the ever-growing farmer's market.

Their town wasn't the largest, but they always went out for the farmer's market.

They called it the Oakley Farmer's Market, but it was much more than a market for farmers.

People could showcase and sell their artwork, clothing, music, books, and anything they liked.

It was a Maker's Market to Claudia.

She loved stopping by every booth and sampling what they had, and giving donations, she just loved the atmosphere.

Everyone was always kind and patient with her. Some people didn't understand sign language and she didn't mind, they gave her time to use her translator to speak.

No one ever judged her.

One of the many reasons why she liked the Oakley Farmer's Market.

"Hello, beautiful!" Harriet, one of the booth owners, greeted Claudia gladly.

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