Chapter Twenty-Five

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A four-letter word that sums up the wellspring of devotion I feel for you.


I love you. Three words that alter the future. Words spoken boldly, softly, fiercely, in passion, in fear, meekly, but still spoken. Spoken to voice the things unseen.

Love. Love expressed in the way that the thought of having you having me makes my heart skip a beat. Shown in the bashful smile worn when I dream of tomorrow, of soon, of someday spent with you.

Love. Love whispered in a prayer for your heart, for your spirit. For your faith to stay stronger than the root of an oak tree. In a prayer for your heart to be after God's. For you to be surrendered to His will.

Love. Love in the coming days when we pray together to remain on one accord, to remain a three-strand cord. To remain kept, to abide in the love of God.

Love. Love never lost, but treasured forever in the heart of God. Love as we both find our way closer to the One who was, is, and is to come.

Love. Love that has never seen one such as you. Love that stays, fights, listens, cares, touches, submits, sticks together, and gently, patiently loves.

Forever yours, forever mine.

Love, Claudia.'

Her cheeks were raised as the smile she wore stayed etched on her face.

She was in love. She was grateful. She was in love. She was devoted.

And it was all because of God.

Her heart was overwhelmed at the thought of God giving her such a love.

If God could give someone to love her so well, how much more did He love her?

That question stuck to her ribs.

She knew God loved her. She read of His love, experienced His love, and abode in His love.

But still, she wanted more.

Since growing closer to River, Claudia found herself a lot more eager to learn about God.


Because of the grace and mercy He showed when sparing River's life. And because of the calmness of River.

He was stable-minded.


This was something she should've wondered about days, weeks, months ago, but now was a good time.

She was encouraged by River's transparency.

Everything about River pointed directly at the God who saved him.

She was grateful. Passionate. Ready to know more about God. To go deeper in her studies of His word.


Because she knew something was changing. When change came, she had to be attached securely to God, or she would worry.

However, the coming change felt different. Good different.

"Like how it felt before I met River," Claudia murmured with her brows furrowed.

There was only one thing she knew to do in the middle of slight confusion/curiosity.

Love, Claudia (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now