Better Tomorrow

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Mentions of abuse and rape but not in detail.
Proceed cautiously

Zara POV

It was quiet. Too quiet

I was in my room falling in and out of consciousness. I heard footsteps coming to my room making me tense up. I knew what was going to happen. It had happen the day before.

He sold me again.

My tears were already staring to form. When the man open my door. He made his way to my bed. I knew the routine. Sometimes he would make me go to their house, sometimes they come to mine and slowly my "safe haven" I called my room became my nightmare.

I felt him starting to put his hands on me and I tensed up. All of a sudden my hair was pulled harshly, making me sit up right in my bed.

"Don't make any noises"

I started to violently shake. I just wanted everything to end. He took with me another part of my innocence I'll never get back. I don't know if I ever was innocent.

I know he could hear my now sobbing figure, I wanted to scream, but I knew what would happen, but I just didn't care anymore. I let out an ear piercing scream.



"Zara, wake up sweetheart! You're okay. You're safe."


Who was talking to me I have never been safe. I want to be safe. With one last scream. Everything seized to a stop

I woke up shaking violently in an unfamiliar surrounding. I saw all of my brothers standing in my room. Sadness clear etched on their faces. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I started to sobbed. I sobbed for everything I have lost and everything I could of had.

Ezra was sitting to my left beside me on the bed and I did something unexpected for me. I rolled my body beside his, as I don't have feeling in my legs, and clung to him. He grabbed my body towards his and held me as I cried. I never thought Ezra would be the first one I would actually hug. Nobody said anything they just let me cry, Ezra acting as my anchor to keep me on this earth.

"Do you wanna talk about it baby?" Ezra asked

I shook my head no. I didn't want the already tinted image of me to deduct any sort of respect they might have for me. He slowly nodded his head back respectful of my wishes.

"Thank you."

"What for?"

"After my nightmares panic attacks usually follow, but with you guys here I just felt a little safer. I didn't feel the need to panic, so thank you."

"Honey, if you ever need one of us to talk to, or even just to sit and hold you while you cry. We will be there for you no matter what. We've learned from our mistakes and we were gonna make it right. I love you." Ezra said. I was never close to him, but in this moment I felt his love for me.

I knew that I loved him and all my brothers. I just am not comfortable saying it aloud. I wish I could. I know it would make them happy, but I also understood they respected my feelings. So I just did the next best thing and hug him tighter letting my feelings show through the hug. It was warm and comforting. I felt no ill intentions. I felt safe.

"I don't want to be alone anymore. Can someone stay with me?"

"I call dibs!" Flynn shouted.

I smiled at his enthusiasm. While everyone else groaned, wanting to be the one who stayed.

"Fine." Sammy said while he came to my side of the bed. He was hesitant at first wanting to test whether or not I would pull myself away from his approaching figure, but I felt no need. I slowly accepted his embrace. Feeling the love he had for me.

"I love you very much sweetheart, try to get some more sleep." He slowly exited my side which gave me a moment to look at my others brothers. All I wanted in this moment was another embrace. So I beckoned Declan over and without words he embraced me. It felt like home. He was always my home in the past and when that was taken away I was left with emptiness. The feeling of being back in his arms brought me comfort and I held on as long as I could, till I felt my arms getting tired. He realized and released me, slowly putting a kiss on my forehead. I basked in the feeling of being in his arms again. My Bubba.

I love you Zee. Goodnight." He smiled as Ezra looked towards me.

"I love you, get some sleep. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." I whispered to them in the dark room. The door open and that left me alone with Flynn.

"I know your probably exhausted and don't want to talk about it, but your brothers and I are here whenever your ready."

"It will take time, but we'll get there. Goodnight Flynn." I just wanted some comfort, so I did something completely out of character to me and grabbed his hand in mine to hopefully get the message across. He received the message and gather me into his arms allowing all my worries to fade away just for a nights rest.

I found myself in that familiar darkness, which usually brought destruction and pain. However this time I found a tiny bit of hope and maybe the promise of a better tomorrow.

Hi Butterflies 🦋

I am so sorry this update is late. I've been trying to write, but my schedule is so out of whack right now. I'm gonna try my best to keep the updates coming.

I hope your enjoying this book. It's not the greatest, but I've enjoyed writing it so far.

Leave your comments and reactions

All my love 💙

Bella 💙

Bella 💙

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