𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞

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IMPORTANT: Before we began with the chapter, I want to mention that there will be some stuttering in this book. It's honestly so sad that I have to add this warning. I know in fact some people will comment on it if I don't say this: do not bully my characters for it. There are real people out there with this daily problem or it just happens when they're scared or bc of their anxiety. 

It's unnecessary to bully or ridicule anyone, even fictional characters, for it. It's insensitive to do so. Stella is eleven and she saw new faces in her life so she's terrified, especially under the circumstances. It's normal. So if I see one of you say anything about it in a way I find offensive, I will take it personally.

I'm completely deaf and use ASL. I can't use my voice bc I don't even know how to use it properly and all I can do is just scream so insulting in ANY way to speech impediment hits the sensitive spot. (don't hit me with that oh but it's so easy and I know many dead ppl who speak very well. it's not me. It's a literal struggle for me.)

I also noticed on some Wattpad stories in the author's notes, that they mentioned that "the mc won't have any stuttering because they're not weak!" And the readers applaud them for it in the comment section. Oh, that boils my blood and makes me want to go through their screen to rip their tongue out and see if they feel fucking weak by then. I can't fathom how people who stutter feels when they read these things. (To these people, you are NOT weak) I will not have these things on my platform. This is a safe spot for everyone.

p.s. plz don't start telling me all about your distant relative's deaf dog or great-aunt's deaf friend. I literally don't give a shit about them.

Let's go back to the story! <3


My tears stained the paper in my shaking hands as they went down like waterfalls. I sniffed and rubbed my nose with the back of my Gram's sweater sleeve which drowned me with my small size, compared to hers. I sat with my legs crossed on the grass of a hill nearby the house. The stars were out, watching over me. The air was warm, even at night.

I broke Grams' promise and stayed more than a week. Two days passed since I first smelt the rotting scent and I didn't want to leave only to miss my mother. I had been sleeping on the barn roof, not wanting to share the house with a corpse. The body lying on Grams' wasn't truly her. Her soul is gone. I hoped it wasn't the case, as I hoped that she was watching over me - silently crying with me so I wouldn't feel alone anymore. That was what I believed.

I simply cannot grasp the concept she's just gone like that. There will be no more curses from her that I am not allowed to say. There will be no more sitting near the fireplace while she strokes my hair from her rocking chair. No more of the infamous pies that she loved to bake which I would happily stuff into my mouth. I sometimes helped her but it would never be the same because I wasn't as good.

No more of these things.

And I was afraid of telling the news to Mom. But I still don't know what has happened to her.

Soon in an hour, it will turn into three days late and I couldn't delay it anymore. Something had happened to Mother and I need to go out to find out. It was up to me even if I don't like it. I looked down at the paper of Grams' written instructions again and read the last line in an ordered list with a red circle on it, emspiazting how important it was.

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