Chapter 15 ~ Overthinking

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After me and Greyson finished unpacking him into my guest room, we went to the grocery store and picked up a bunch of food because knowing living with him, he eats for a family of four.

Perks of living with your twin brother is that you're never alone, you're not the only one who has to clean up.

Greyson is leaving for California in about three months because he got a promotion and he has ti move.

I'm not worried about him because Grey is a smart guy and he can do anything that he puts his mind to.

"Did you say we needed sugar?" Greyson asks me as he stops in front of the cart I'm pushing. I almost hit him but stopped myself.

"Yes we need sugar." I will clarify. He nods and keeps walking in front of me with the list I made. I trail behind him the entire time while he stops to look at the back of things, to make sure it's healthy.

Of course I roll my eyes and tell the man to just pick one. After an adventure with my brother, we got into my car and I started driving home.

"Do you already have a place there?" I ask him, I know he has been looking at places but he never told me what was happening.

"Um, yeah I bought it last weekend and I can start moving things in so that's what I'll be doing soon." I nod my head.

Once we get to my apartment, we start taking trips in our bags. A car coming into the house a couple blocks down catches my eyes.

Ryder gets out of the car and walks over to the backseat and grabs Laklyn out of the car. I turn away because God knows if that baby sees me, his father also will.

I make a dash to the house and shut the door and go to my room to change out of my work clothes. I come back and see Greyson in the kitchen putting away all of our groceries and go to the fridge and grab some water and sit on the counter.

"I talked to Ryder.. Because you know, I had to." I roll my eyes at his sudden comment. "What did you say?" I find myself asking.

"Well he just asked me why I was here and I told him I was moving in with you and we just talked about that."

"Ah." I say and jump off the counter and go to sit on the couch. Greyson starts cooking us some food which is literally just frozen pizza because we are lazy like that.

I turn on the tv and turn on our show that we have been watching to get comfortable for the night.


It's around two in the morning and I'm wide awake because I cannot sleep. I think it's the stress of a couple weeks ago coming back to me. Miles. And then Ryder.

I remind myself that I'm distancing myself from him because I don't want to get hurt again.

And I feel like he feels the same way because being a single dad, he probably just wants to protect him and his son.

I rolled over and let out a huge sigh. I get myself out of bed and put on my bunny slippers and head out of my room.

I make sure Frankie is asleep when I walk out and I also hear Greyson snoring so I don't have to worry about him.

I open the door to my apartment and get a wisp of the cold air. I pull my coat on tighter and walk down the steps and start walking around.

Once I get to one of the street lights, I turn on my heels and start to walk back when a baby cries that I recognize all too well.

I look to my right and see Ryder in sweats and a hoodie holding a baby Laklyn tight to his chest as he tries to get him to quiet down.

I look forward and start to walk back when I trip over the curb that I don't see.

"Shoot." I bring my knee on my chest to look at my scrap knee and see that blood is starting to form on the top of my skin.

I hiss and blow on my knee to try and reduce the pain but there's blood pouring out.

"Shoot are you okay?" The voice from the man I have been trying to avoid for a couple weeks stands in front of me.

He has Laklyn on his hip as he holds one hand out for me to take. I take his hand hesitantly and stand up hissing again at the pain.

"I have stuff at my house I can put on it. Your apartment is pretty far from here." He says wrapping an arm around my waist to keep me up.

I don't say anything. I'm scared to say something. But when his hand wraps around me, I feel safe. I let him walk me up to his house, I don't know why, but I do.

He opens the door for me and leads us to the living room and sets me down on the couch and then sets Laklyn on his playmat.

He walks away and it gives me time to take a look at his house. It's not plain and boring like most guys' houses. He has colorful pictures of him and family, him and Laklyn and cute little baby stuff.

He comes back with a whole kit and this is probably when I can start freaking out.

I'm letting a man take care of me for the first time in forever and I don't find myself mad about it. Normally I would be feeling a little guilty that I'm letting myself feel this way.

But with him, even though we haven't spent any time together, I find myself craving that time. With both him and Laklyn.



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