Boiling point

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A week had passed, Jimin had been really busy which he liked as it stopped him daydreaming about Jungkook. It was hard to act like that night had meant nothing , but he wasn't going to get sucked into disappointment again.
He kept a simple smile on his face when they met up and had normal everyday conversations but made excuses up if Jungkook invited him over or he deliberately went out with others so he wasn't available. That evening Suga had showed him how recordings worked even getting Jimin to sing so he could show him how he sounded. Jungkook had stepped into the studio silently to ask Suga something and listened to the ethereal voice coming from the boy with closed eyes in the recording booth.
"He's good isn't he," Suga whispered
"More than good,"
"But he won't think of recording professionally,"
"We could make him a star,"
"And that's why he won't do it, he says he sings for himself and would hate being the centre of attention."Suga sighed," I wish I could tempt him but it's a definite no go."
Jungkook stared at the small male all sorts of feelings running through him but he kept them to himself asked Suga the question he came for then left, but not before telling Suga that he should tell Jimin to meet him in his office to go home.
Half an hour later Jimin appeared," have you been waiting for me?"
"I had some work to do it's ok,"
The pair left, Jimin was humming the song he had been singing.
"You know you have a brilliant voice you could be a star."
"Well thanks but no thanks,"
"It could change your life,"
"I've made enough changes I'm ok,"
"But surely it's progression one more step forward."
"I'm happy as I am,"
Jungkook frowned," why are you scared of moving forward?"
Jimin had had enough," why are you so scared of a relationship?"
"What?I'm not scared"
"You are, you take great delight in your reputation as Junkook the one night stand, it means you don't have to show a weakness like feelings."
"I haven't said that to you what do you mean?"
"You didn't have to I heard your conversation with Tae, so proud that your horny ass took my innocence,"
"Oh I see where this is going, your upset because I didn't follow through give you more, your crush of so many years isn't the prince you want him to be, are you pining for me?"
"Stop the car!"
"Stop the fucking car now!!"
Jungkook pulled over smirking as he turned to Jimin only to be greeted by a slap on the face.
Enraged he grabbed Jimins neck pulling him to him and slamming his lips onto the others, a feeling off coming home lessened his anger but Jimin pulled away.
He scrambled out the car and started walking tears running down his face. He heard a door slam.
"Jimin get back in, come on,"
"You asshole your so fucking arrogant , who the hell would want you!!" Jimin screamed at him.
"Fine, get home by yourself!"
A door slammed and the car rushed past. Five minutes later it started raining, it poured down, Jimin only had on a light jacket and was soon soaked, he looked around maybe there was a shortcut through one of these side roads? He wandered off feeling cold.
Jungkook stopped the car, the rain was really heavy he turned the car around and drove back the way he had come but could see no sight of Jimin maybe he'd got a taxi? Driving back home he kept a look out but couldn't see him.
Jimin had second thoughts about walking this way, the area didn't look great. Turning he went to walk back to the main road but two figures stopped him, "you look lost want us to help you?"
"N-no I'm meeting my friend thank you,"
"You sure, can't see your friend coming out in this weather,"
"He is he's just called,"
Jimin suddenly put his hand up waving at something behind the two men, they turned to look and Jimin darted past them running for all he was worth hearing the men chasing after him. He saw the main road and looked over his shoulder seeing the two men close, his chest hurt from running but he darted out tripping into the road banging his head and hearing screeching brakes before he blacked out.
His eyes opened,ah the lights were so bright he closed them again.
"Mr Park,Jimin open your eyes."
"Tired let me sleep," he mumbled
A chuckle sounded then a voice he recognised spoke,
"Jimin let the doctor check you open your eyes"
"Asshole don't be bossy," he said opening his eyes to see a doctor a nurse and Jungkook standing at the edge of a bed he was on.
The doctor shone a light in his eyes then asked him questions.
"Any blurred vision? Headache?"
"Er a bit muzzy why?"
"Do you know why your here in hospital?"
"Er not really it was raining, I was walking in the rain?"
"As I thought slight concussion ,what day is it?"
"Hmm that's the day you had the accident , you caught a fever and have been here two days, got a bit of a bump on your head. Is there someone who can take care of you if I let you home?"
"Yes me," Jungkook said.
Jimin stared at him, had they argued over something? He couldn't remember. " you can?"
"Unless you want to stay in hospital?
"Eugh no, no offence doc"
"Well you need to take it easy for a few days, concussion is mild but your weak from the fever, plenty of rest and things should slip into place, I'll do your discharge note and prescribe painkillers for headaches."
Half an hour later Jimin dressed in spare clothes of Jungkooks was sitting in the passenger seat of the car being driven home.
"Did we argue?" Jimin asked
"What about?"
"I'm supposed to let you regain your own memories,"
"Hmph , was that why I was walking in the rain?"
"Are you mad at me?"
"I'm mad at me for letting you walk,"
"Was I being a jerk?"
"No I was, you rightly called me an arrogant asshole,"
They got back to the apartments," yours or mine?" Jungkook asked.
"Do you want to stay in your place or mine if I'm going to take care of you?"
"Oh,er you don't have to I'm sure the doc was being overprotective ,"
"I do and I am, concussion isn't to be trifled with and you had a fever."
"Do you have food in your place?"
"Of course don't you?"
"Nope, ok we will go to yours but I need some clothes from mine and wash stuff," he yawned.
"You go to mine go to bed and I'll take your keys and get your stuff."
"Ok" jimin didn't argue too tired suddenly.
They went into Jungkooks "I can sleep on the couch so I don't inconvenience you," Jimin said.
"We've slept together before we can do so again."
Jimin nodded then wished he hadn't he swayed feeling dizzy, he was swept up in strong arms his head lolled against Jungkooks chest, he sighed cuddling up as he drifted off. He didn't feel Jungkook lay him gently in the bed nor his hand gently touching the bump,
"You scared me Jimin running into the road like that I thought I was going to hit you, don't scare me like that again,"
He had been mad at Jimins words that day and had spitefully retaliated, cruelly bringing up Jimins crush of the past, he'd worried as the rain got harder and he couldn't see Jimin until there he was dashing from a side road and falling into the road right in front of him he'd slammed his breaks on narrowly missing him before picking him up and rushing him to hospital, he'd barely slept waiting for Jimin to wake up, he glanced down at the sleeping boy then lay down beside him tiredness overcoming him as he fell into a deep sleep.

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