Believe in me

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Jungkook stood at Jimins door and knocked. A frazzled looking Jimin answered.
"Come in sorry I won't be long, I forgot to put the alarm on and usually my phone is back up but I didn't notice the battery had run out god knows when and I didn't sleep well my bed seems uncomfortable and so I'm not quite ready," he gasped out in one breath as he rushed around.
Jungkook grabbed him by the shoulders as he rushed past.
"Calm down no rush, have your eaten or drunk anything yet."
"No I'll get something later,"
"Sit down,"
Jungkook went into the kitchen , he poured some Juice into a glass and sat Jimin down placing the glass in his hand, he went back to the kitchen sighing when he found little choice," toast ok you don't seem to have much else?"
"Erm I don't buy much so that I won't eat too much and get fat again,"
"Jimin that was puppyfat all kids get it, you certainly have no worries now,"he placed the buttered toast on a plate and handed it to Jimin.
"Thank you, did you enjoy your night out?"
"Yes contract all signed, I called you when I got back to tell you about it, even knocked, we're you out too?"
"Damn my phone has been off that long ? I went for a walk after my dinner and to the convenience store for the juice, then came back, I saw your car and was going to knock then thought you would have called me if you wanted to talk." He giggled" dumb phone," he laughed.
Jungkook smiled feeling easier now that he knew Jimin hadn't been with anyone else.
"Right I'm ready let's go," Jimin put his dishes in the sink, jungkook tutted and washed them before the pair left.
Work seemed exceptionally busy that day,Jimin who in his spare time had been sorting Lisa's mismanaged filing system out felt relief when it was finally put in alphabetical order but then scanning through some of the files he found she had left important information out of some which could affect Jungkooks liability if they were called forward. He then spent the next three hours going through every one of them proof reading them and pulling out the ones with discrepancies . He rubbed his neck tiredly, ten files in all would need to be redone and counter signed by Jungkook and the client. He rang RM to tell him and five minutes later he and Jungkook were in Jimins office.
"Damn that girl, I'm sorry Jungkook I didn't double check she had printed it off correctly."
"It's not your fault RM she was a useless bitch and I employed her."
"While you two play the blame game you should know these ten clients figuratively don't work for you if they didn't see all the paperwork,"
"Shit he's right what should we do?"
"Erm can I suggest something?"
They both turned to Jimin," RM I've checked and the files are still on the system as you wrote them and dated them, I could call each person in with a newly printed complete file tell them the original was water damaged in a leak show them the date on the system print it in front of them and get them to resign, it's not illegal and they think they have already done it and maybe a gift or something for their time?"
"It could work,only ten? Right let's get on it, jimin you call five I'll call the other five the sooner the better, Jungkook gift shop ," Rm said then," oops sorry er would you mind getting gifts?"
Jungkook laughed," sure boss who are they so I know what to get?" He checked the names," ah, scotch, bourbon, pamper gift times three, champagne twice , watch, jewellery, restaurant gift."
Everybody got busy Jungkooks gifts arrived within the hour already wrapped and named.
Jimin had managed to get three to come in that day conveniently spaced, he had also moved the filing cabinet to the other side of the room with a little help. The files concerned were then dampened and put by the hand dryer Jimin wanted everything to look convincing .
"I think we are ready ," he muttered then "wait!"
He rushed outside looking around then pointed.
"That tile it's newer it was replaced last week swop it with the one above where the cabinet was."
Finally everything was done to Jimins satisfaction .
The first client arrived Tae escorted her into Jimins office winking at Jimin from behind her then leaving Jimin to get on with it.
"Let me apologise first of all for the inconvenience , unfortunately we had a ceiling leak he pointed to where the cabinet had been the carpet having a mark and gestured at the new tile, "it ruined a few files" he quickly flipped a curled up illegible file. "Mr Jeon wants everything to be above board so I can show you the original file dated the day you signed it and then print it off here for you to resign and Mr Jeon too. It will be dated today with a codicil of the first date and why you resigned would that be ok?"
He sent the woman a beaming smile, she immediately smiled back," of course I've never had any problems with Jungkook."
"Oh thank you so much, I'm new here and I don't want to fail at something like this, he quickly printed the work off putting it together tidily in a file.
"Would you care to read it before signing?"
"No dear it's ok after all I read it before,"
Jimin buzzed Jungkook to come through.
He arrived carrying a famous jewellery store bag the item wrapped inside.
"Ah you know what I like you naughty boy " she Jungkook hugged her and passed on the gift
"This sweet man explained what had happened, he's a treasure Jungkook,so shall we sign?"
She left happily, jungkook sighed in relief," one down nine to go,"
"You know I even offered her to read it and she didn't ?"
"That's because ninety nine percent of them can't be bothered , all the hard work we put into it to make it correct is ignored with a pen and a flick of the wrist, well done Jimin,oh here's the second one,I'll stay here."
This proceeded much as the first, Jimin's charm swayed her over easily, Jungkook watched as she fell for him giggling, Jimin just smiled and apologised then Jungkook went and got her pamper gift and she waved happily as she went to the lift.
Half an hour later and a man came in, jimin gulped in seeing him all in leather with a rough edge.Jimin wished Jungkook was already there.
"So what's this about?"
Jimin explained but knew he sounded nervous.
"Hmmm, you want me to resign?"
"Yes please,"Jimin squeaked.
Jungkook chose that moment to walk in," Kang li great to see you has Jimin explained the problem?"
"He did poor boy nearly pissed his pants on seeing me, don't worry son, I may look rough but I'm a softie really aren't I Kook?"
"That's true Jimin he has pet rabbits, fluff and floozy, how are they?"
"Cute as ever,decided to have babies so now I got itsy and buster as well,"
Jimin stifled a laugh turning it into a cough, the file was signed.
"Hope you still like Bourbon Kang?"
"Am I the grandpappy to rabbits? Of course I do!!"
They all laughed before the man finally left. It was late Jimin yawned," he was a character scared the life out of me!"
"He's harmless, RM is driving to meet two of the clients tomorrow can we print their files now so I can sign and leave them and the gifts on his desk to pick up in the morning? "
"Sure I'll do that now, two others are at ten and two fifteen tomorrow so I'll print theirs when I come in,"
"Ok the others all agreed to come in the day after,"
Jimin nodded yawning again, he printed the files off for RM jungkook signed them and put the gifts with them in RM's desk.
Going back to Jimins office he saw the small figure leaning on one hand eyes closed .
Jimin jumped then got up," sorry,"
"Jimin thanks for all your hard work today , I knew you could do it."
"Well thank you for believing in me, it's much appreciated."
"Let's go home , wanna stay at my place?"
"Kookie I'm tired but I can stay over to sleep I don't know why but your bed is much more comfortable!"
"Ok sleep it is,"Jungkook smiled to himself as he knew Jimin would sprawl all over him in his sleep and that he was the comfort Jimin liked.

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