17| The Little Voice

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Maybe we should drive some Inazuman people off into the sea, let them really live their whole sea life.
Or maybe entertain some Liyue citizens into looking into the Chasm, let them suffer in the hole.
Oh, maybe we should have Venti change his shape, maybe some red hair and-OH! We should burn down Dawn Winery.

"Shut up! Shut up!" [M/N] hissed as he covered his ears, ignoring the laughing voice in the back of his head while rubbing his head a bit. "I don't want to do anything, I need to heal, recuperate-" The voice laughs loudly and booms causing his ears to ring a bit. He falls onto his ass, crawls back, and leans against the wall with deep breaths as the ringing was getting louder and louder.

Do you honestly WANT to try and heal yourself? Be mentally happy, and safe. Then what? Be all sunshine and rainbows with them? That killed us? Pft-

"What do you mean us? You mean me?"

Of course, I do, but still, you have already begun your taste of revenge for the ones who wrong you. Do you really want things to go back? Lesson learned?

"...I don't know what I want anymore."

You do, stop being a coward and keep up with the program.

The ringing goes dull and [M/N] looked up, staring at the wall, before tipping over and curling into a ball. His knees on his chest and his cheek pressed against the wooden floor, it was cold against his skin. [E/C] eyes stared at the door now, as his fingers gripped his knees a bit causing crescents indents in his skin."I don't know what to do..I'm supposed to be happy...they recognized me as the Creator but...after they murdered me...abused me...hurt me...now they got what they deserved...but I'm not happy..."

When will I be happy?


[M/N] opened his eyes, blinking a bit as he looked at something before gasping as he noticed it was a crab

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[M/N] opened his eyes, blinking a bit as he looked at something before gasping as he noticed it was a crab. He sits up quickly and crawls back on the sand, as the crab quickly scampers away into the sand from the surprise it had too. [M/N] hears seagulls caw and looked up, seeing the birds move around in the sky, and nearly covers his eyes from the sun. "Where am I?" [M/N] mutters as he blinked his eyes from the bright blue sky. He remembered being on the floor in doubt and worry but now he was on the sandy shore.

"On the outskirts of Liyue Habor, a bit away from the homeland." A voice said and [M/N] looked to meet lifeless blue eyes staring down at him, a large grin on his lips. "Welcome to the living My everlasting Master." He cooed and [M/N] felt his heart beat pound against his chest and his limbs numb a bit. "It's been forever since-"

"You...tried..to murder me."

"It was an easy mistake, but I will take whatever you could throw at me, my master." Childe cooed as he goes down to his knees and [M/N] stared at him, and then the Harbinger bows his head. " And will do anything for you for your forgiveness."

"...help me up."

Childe stands and gently takes [M/N]'s hand in his before helping him up. He brushes the sand off and [M/N] watched him carefully, "You've been here since I've been sleeping in the sand?"

"I have to, you pulled me away from important work." Childe hummed as he kept a gentle grasp on [M/N]'s hand. He rubbed his thumb across his knuckle, "You should be relieved my everlasting master that it was me rather than Rex Lapis or the adepti." [M/N] watched him still weary as Childe even lifted his hand up and pressed a soft kiss against his soft hands. 

The ones that molded him into what he was today, the same ones that protected him in the Abyss and further worship him with his slaughters.

"..I should be-" His stomach growls loudly and [M/N] flushed a bit as the redhead grins at the sound. "You should be eating, I'm sure we can feed you and maybe spoil you since you're here."

[M/N] flushed a bit before nodding, he held his hand as Childe began walking with him on the sand. [M/N] noticed he was barefooted, his eyes glanced around on the shore but no shoes in sight, he shrugs a bit. He liked the feeling of sand between his toes, how soft it was compared to his own shoes or the carpets in the teapot. 

"I'll buy you some new shoes while we're out here, and maybe better clothes." Childe looked at the white clothes, that looked and made [M/N] stand out more than he needed to be. They would catch the gazes of the people who hurt him and berated his master.

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