29| My first None-believer

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The walk toward the second entranceway was, the walk clear and any mobs that even glanced their way, looked away

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The walk toward the second entranceway was, the walk clear and any mobs that even glanced their way, looked away. The lumber pick area was mostly empty minus a few mobs and untouched treasure, but also a very long walk-in without using the teleporter to enter. [M/N] had been walking until his feet were sore and his toes tingled in the wrong way. Itto noticed right away and scooped up [M/N], lifting his fiance to be on his shoulders with Nahida-aranara on his own. Itto didn't even stop telling his story to Tighnari and Cyno, but Tighnari seem to give responses to him but Cyno kept staring ahead.

"Stop, there's movement," Cyno commanded as he moved his arm out to stop them. Aether unsheathed the sword and moved forwards as Kaeya and Diluc came up, Itto's hands held onto the god's legs a bit. Qiqi was behind him, holding his pants sleeve a bit as she watched around. Cyno was quite a bit before narrowing his eyes at a large rock. "Out."

"We come in peace, or well...I am." Soon a blonde came out, his usual pristine clothes dirty and twigs in his hair that he flung out as he moved his fingers through, "Al-Haitham might be the troubled one."

"Says the one who slipped into bushes," Al-Haitham says as he came out his eyes narrowed a bit as he saw the makeshift group, and tilts his head while crossing his arms over his chest with a huff. "I can see this...great assemble is here to rescue us..correct?"

"Hey, this assemble is going to save your asses." Itto said confidently, "With our mascot and our grace."

"Who's the mascot?" Tighnari asked as he glanced at the Oni with an eyebrow.

"Flying Lavender melon." Itto points to Paimon who stared at him with such horror.

"Not that stupid name again! Dumb Dumb Bull-chucker."Paimon hissed as she kicks her leg in the air with a huff.

"Regardless..how entertaining to think all of you can control that...thing in the Akademiya," Al-Haitham said as he gestures to the grace and [M/N] looked at him with a raised eyebrow and scowls a bit. "To clean up your mess, thanks to that thing my work had doubled in days until Kaveh needed me to help him escape."

" You make it sound like I'm some criminal." Kaveh hissed before looking at their grace, beautiful and crafted by the gods or well himself. He watched and bowed his head as [M/N] shakes his head, " I'm forever in your hands."

" Kaveh...please...it's fine, right now isn't the time for you to bow to me." [M/N] said as Kaveh sits back up and seemed even teary-eyed. 

"You know my name?" The blonde asked, voice watery and wobbly at the same time.

"I said your name, of course, he knows who you are," Al-Haitham says and automatically his gaze switched to the Sage and Kaveh grits his teeth.

"It's nice to be recognized once in a while, but you wouldn't know the warm feeling since our Archon already counts on you. LET ME HAVE THIS." Kaveh hissed as he crossed his arms and head pointed up in an annoyed fashion Tighnari sighs as he rubbed his head.

"You two really shouldn't fight, what's this about people escaping?" The Fennex fox asked as he bristled a bit while looking at the two.

"Since the other Grace came to Sumeru for whatever reason and turned it into chaos by mutating these plant things," Kaveh began explaining and gestured to Al-Haitham, "And our Archon going missing yet again, people turning against each other to please that motherfucker who not only closed the port but sent the same plant things to chase after people."

"The Aranaras," Nahida speaks up as she looked at the two, despite the forever smile on her green face and the friendly eyes, there was sadness. "They are being controlled by Levithan."

"And mutated like you, Lady Nahida," Al-Haitham speaks as he stumbled forward a bit, and [M/N] noticed as the Scribe came and Aether was close to his side. "I'm glad you are safe within one of the bodies."

"I..am but please what else has happened, you're injured." Nahida asked as Al-Haitham averted his gaze Kaveh sighs softly and looked at the Scribe as well.

"Not only those plant monsters but also the wall that borders the desert has been cracking and sand is drifting into the more nature area of Sumuru and what's worst...it seems Elzer has reappeared...Collei had been affected along with many others." Kaveh explained and Tighnari looked towards the direction of the village, worried as Cyno placed a hand on his shoulder. Both equally worried, "And Al-Haitham fought off one of those large electro scorpions. He gotten stabbed and I can't exactly heal."

"I need to go back to the village if Elzer did come back." Tighnari said. "And I need to follow in lin with the other Matras...to evacuate the areas." Cyno added.

"What about the mission? I understand when it's about caring for people and keeping them safe but this takes high priority." Diluc said as Tighnari's ears folded back and turns around with narrowed eyes. 

"You don't understand, people are dying in my village and you're one to talk about keeping people safe." The ranger hissed as Diluc narrowed his eyes back. They began to argue and both brought good points up but they seem closer to fighting. Al-Haitham made a face from the noise before sitting down on a rock nearby Itto then got in the middle when Tighnari and Diluc were inches away from each other. He tried to play peacekeeper until Cyno and Kaeya were added to the mix. [M/N] watched and sigh before noticing Al-Haitham and then to his hands. Black glowing before slowly moving to the reader.

"May I?"

"I have no reason to say no." Al-Haitham responded drily as [M/N] slowly placed his palm against the area and felt the slight dampness of the blood from the scribe. It was odd at first before his hands slowly worked their magic, [M/N] could see the blood staining the dark shit receding from the area. He kept his heartbeat steady and calm as he watched his powers stitch up Al-Haitham and removed his hands away. "....I do not believe you're our grace.."

"Oh, this again-"

"Not like that, throughout our history...we asked for your help and none came...I am justified to feel that. Along with other events that happened especially with the nation without a god." Al-Haitham said simply, "You being here now is like an omen."

"...I know...but I'm trying to fix what I made..Levithan took on the bitter and hateful thoughts I had about everyone...what they did to me..and I'm trying to fix it and then fix anything I did with him." [M/N] said as Al-Hatitham kept on watching the fight, "it's my duty as your guys Grace...but all I need is respect in return. I don't know if I even want to stay here once Levithan is dead or dealt with."

"Understandable. But you might want to deal with the arguing, they're getting annoying." Al-Haitham sighs a bit as [M/N] nods before moving off the rock. The scribe felt over his wound and felt nothing before watching him push in between them.

"Alright, alright-" [M/N] began as Diluc pulled himself back and Tighnari as well. "I understand especially with Elzer re-appearing. You and Cyno can go, just be safe. The rest of us can go and handle Levithan."

"..thank you. We can help any time when we're in the clear." Tighnari said as he held Grace's hand, he rubbed his gloved thumb before kissing the top of his hand. [M/N] felt heat lit up his cheeks as the Ranger began walking toward the direction of his home. Cyno looked at their Grace before doing the same, his forehead pressing to [M/n]'s hand. "Call for us." He says before following after Tighnari. 

[M/N] still felt the little burn and looked to the remains of his group, "We should go."

"It is what's best." Nahida speaks up as she watched the two leave their sight.

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