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I was strolling through the gardens at the western palace, when I saw a large, handsome bird perched on a huge flower, picking its feathers.

Looks like the time has come for us to meet.

The ladies-in-waiting hadn’t noticed it, as they were busy chattering with each other.

I approached it by myself and I reached out my hand.The bird quickly hopped on. It shook its wings and nuzzled its beak against the back of my hand, as if accustomed to humans.

I smiled and stroked it's feathers lightly.

"Well you're a handsome one"

The bird flinched and blushed to itself.I know who this is.It would be interesting to see his reaction if I tell him I know who he really is but that would ruin the fun.

I noticed a small piece of paper tied on its foot. I opened it, and found a handwritten note in small script.

I am a guest from abroad who will soon,arrive at the new years ceremony. and I write this note while drunk.

I let out a laugh, and the ladies-in-waiting came over to see what had happened.

"Your majesty?"

"It's a bird and it's massive"

“Oh, that’s new.”


“What a handsome bird. What is it called?”

“I know it’s a bird that’s difficult to tame…isn’t it used for hunting?”

"Isn't it absolutely darling?"

When they noticed the letter, the ladies-in-waiting grinned and encouraged me to write back.

"Did it bring you a letter?Oh,but you must write back at once!"

"Shall I ?"

I smiled broadly

I knew exactly who this bird is and the sender.I'll just play along for the fun of it.

I took out a small pocket pen that I always carried with me, and another lady-in-waiting retrieved a piece of paper from nearby.

I should probably reply with the same thing my empress used.

Your bird has found its way to me.If it is able to find its way back,I shall be relieved,for it means it must be cleverer than it's inarticulate drunk master.

The ladies craned their heads to watch me write the letter and burst out in laughter again. I tucked away the pen, watered the bird, then tied my note onto its leg. The bird nuzzled its beak against my hand again and flew away.

“How adorable.”

"It's so charming"

“That bird seems to like the Empress.”

"I think the bird has taken a fancy to you,your majesty!"

“Yes, isn’t it amazing that it only goes to the Empress?”

I nodded at them and looked toward where the bird was flying.

"Be careful and don't lose your way."

Until next time Prince Heinley

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