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'·٠•● ●•٠·Narrator POV'·٠•● ●•٠·

» «It's a sunny day. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. Perfect day for a H/C-boy to go to a new school. That day he still didn't knew that today he'll meet the boy he was wishing for » « 

» «*bzzzt* bzzzt* A sound of an alarm could be heard in a white room. Soon an E/C eyes opened and the owner of them immediately turned off an alarm. After a minute he finally left his bed and went to a wardrobe so he can change» «

» «Y/N quickly put on a school uniform. After changing he took his phone and went by stairs to the first floor. When he was in the kitchen he started doing breakfast. As usual, it was just some sandwiches.» «

'·٠•● ●•٠·Y/N POV'·٠•● ●•٠·

» «I quickly ate my breakfast, grabbed my backpack and started walking to school. On the way there I saw some other people who wore the same uniform as me. I instantly thought that they are from the same school. Maybe some of them are even in my class? Who knows...» «

» «Finally I was there. I looked at PK Academy. It wasn't very big, actually there wasn't that much students there. After a minute I shook my head and went by the gate so I can finally be at the start of this year school.» «

» «And there I am. In school, listening what principle was saying. Nothing interesting, really. Just some stuff about how we should try our best and something like that. I was about to literally sleep with my eyes open when suddenly I heard a loud sound. *BUMP*» «

» «I almost immediately looked to my right. There was a green-haired boy on the ground. It looked like he passed out. Suddenly a tall guy came to him and started shaking him. I actually found it funny. And now he's punching him. Poor boy, and now he- HE IS KISSING HIM? Oh wow.» «

◊-Nendou! What do you think you're doing!? Take him to the nurse! - ◊ A teacher shouted.

◊-Huh? The nurse? Oh right! - ◊ A weird guy said kinda confused.

◊-Hey, Saiki! GO with him. I don't trust Nendou... - ◊ When he said that the two of them went to the nurse with a fainted boy.

» «I really don't know why and how but a green-haired boy went to the hospital. I mean it wouldn't be that surprising if this boy called "Saiki" didn't ended up there too. It was actually a very weird start of a school year. Well, not that I'm complaining- I actually really wanted something crazy and funny happen to my life. I hate it when it's boring. And here I am, at my new and weird school. I think I'll like it here» «

>Hi! It's me, Sho~! i really hope you enjoyed a Prologue. I appreciate that you actually read this- Well, I think it's the end for now. Maybe I'll write another part today? Who knows. Anyway, that's all for know, bye!<


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