Chapter 4

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'·٠• ● ● •٠· Y/N POV ' · • ● ●•٠·

» « I tiredly walk to school looking at couples who is holding hands and some even kissing. Honestly, I was only in one relationship before. It lasted like... two months? Yeah, it wasn't very long. I heard tho that some last only few days so it's not that bad too. » «

» « I sighed and started walking faster. I am really not in mood to just stay there and watch everyone else kissing and stuff. After like 5 more minutes I finally reached the school gates. I then quickly moved forward and entered hell. » «

» « I took my shoes off and put on another. After that I walked by the stairs so I can reach my classroom. When I get here I heard some girls talking. » «

◊ - Hey! Teruhashi, when are you going to get a boyfriend? - ◊ Some girl asked.

◊ - Well... I guess I just think it's a bit early for that. - ◊ She said innocently. ◊ - We should focus on studying and learning new things instead!

» « Everyone was looking at her and admiring her look and words, especially boys. When I first went to this school I quickly realized that every boy in this school fell in love with her. Well, maybe not every but probably like ninety nine percent of them. I was one of that one percent. I mean, it's not like I think she is not pretty. Honestly, if I was into girls I would probably love her. Yeah, you heard me. I'm just not into girls. Actually, I'm gay. But I don't think it's important. I mean, I'm not in some love yaoi fanfiction on wattpad. » «

» « Then she looked at me. She probably expected me to blush and do something but I just looked at her and after few seconds looked away. Suddenly almost everyone looked at me in shock in their eyes. I mean, yeah it is shocking that I don't have a crush on her, but really? Why are they THAT dramatic? » «

» « I sighed and rolled my eyes. Then I heard someone walking in my direction. I quickly looked this way. There I saw Kaidou. » «

◊ - Hey, L/N... - ◊ He said looking at me weirdly.

◊ - Erm... What? - ◊ I asked confused.

◊ - Why and how... ? - ◊ He said looking directly in me eyes.

◊ - What do you mean? - ◊ I asked really not knowing what is going on.

◊ - You looked away from Teruhashi and you didn't even blushed o-or anything! - ◊ He blurted out.

» « After hearing that I looked at him clearly disappointed. He looked at me confused. He obviously didn't know what I meant. I just sighed and decided to tell him. » «

◊ - I just don't like her, okay? - ◊ I whispered to him.

◊ - ... WHAAAAAT? HOW!? DON'T YOU SEE HOW BEUTIFUL SHE IS? AND- mhmm! - ◊ He yelled but I decided to stop him.

» « I quickly put my hand on his lips so he finally shut up. When he kind of calmed down I took him by his wrist and walked of the classroom with him. I went by the hallway and finally reached the bathroom. When we were here he looked at me confused so I finally spoke up. » «

◊ - Listen, I don't like her because- I'm just gay. - ◊ I went straight to the point.

◊ - Wait so- you like- you like boys? - ◊ He asked.

◊ - Yeah, got a problem with that? - ◊ I said more harshly then I planned.

◊ - No! D-don't get me wrong! I'm okay with that, I-I'm just kinda shocked. T-That's all. No other reason, nope. - ◊ He told me with a small blush on his face.

The One - Kaidou Shun x Male! ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang