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After a long day going in and out stores, Aunt Mia pulls the car in front of your house. For the meantime, the things she bought for you will stay with her.

"I don't think I'll have time to meet up with you tomorrow, sweetheart. But this Saturday, pick you up six thirty. Don't sleep in."

"I won't."

Her lips shape a half smile, gaze flickering from the house and then back to you. She's worried. You can see it. "Then I guess I better go. Bye sweetheart."

You watch as her car disappear into the night. A sigh leaves your mouth and you tug a handful of your hair. A little rattle captures your attention. It's coming from the tree over there.

"You know I can tell it's you right?"

Jungkook emerges from behind the tree, hands buried within his pockets.

"It's late." He says, stopping a step away from you. The way his narrow gaze locks with yours, it's like he's done something unforgivable.

"Is it? It's only an hour after midnight."

"It's late." It comes off as a soft whisper. "You know I don't like it when you're outside. Especially when it's night. It's dangerous."

"It's not if it with someone else, right? You should get going." But before he can do that. "How's your wounds?"

Jungkook pokes the inside of his cheeks and swallows thickly. "They're getting better. I think. But if you wanna check them yourself, I'm open to the idea."

You'll ignore the mischievous glint in his eyes for the night. "You're fine. That's good. Now go home. I've got a long day tomorrow and I don't need you keeping me up all night."

"Is your father home?"

The dimness of the house's similar to an abandoned classroom. So of course, your old man isn't home.

"No. Why?"

"Do you know when he'll be back?"

You scratch the side of your head. Dad comes and go whenever he likes. And you've never bothered to ask when he'd leave and come back. Only because you believe a non-aching body's better than an aching one.

"Tomorrow I guess?" He's not home now. Which could only mean one thing right? He'll return at daylight.

"Great." He walks pass you, much to your surprise, and easily unlocks the door with a key you've never seen before. It's even hanging together with his car keys.

Right before he can step in, you extend an arm and look up with a certain seriousness in your eyes. You point at the key. "Where on earth did you get that and how long have you had it?"

He gives the object a casual glance and shrugs. "Two years? Can't remember."

He's telling you that if he wanted to, he could have easily entered your home without you knowing it?

What is he really? A stalker in the guise of a best friend?

"Wait!" You block his path once again, hands extending on both sides. At this rate, all sense of calmness have fled from your system. And you feel like a lunatic. You could've woken up the whole neighborhood with your sudden outburst.

This time he raises an eyebrow in question as you fumble for an excuse.

He can't come in. At least not yet. You've been away from the house since this morning. For all you know, it's a mess in there.

Think of an excuse. Think of an excuse. Think of an excuse now!

"Are you hungry?" It's the first thing that slips your tongue. "I know I'm hungry. Maybe you should stop by a convenience store and uh... get something to eat."

Fortunately, he takes the bait and pulls out his wallet. "What do you want me to get you?"

The truth is, you're so full you feel like vomiting. But since you need to buy time and clean up the house, you'll take the risks.

"Actually, I'm craving for some pepperoni pizza. And uh, this buffalo wings. The spicy ones. Yeah those."

Jungkook blinks his eyes, like he's thinking. "I don't think they sell any of that at this hour but I'll see what I can do. Pizza and buffalo wings right? Anything else?"

Just thinking about it makes you wanna hurl.

"Lamb skewers."

"Where the hell am I suppose to find lamb skewers?"

You fingers work around the knob and you leisurely get behind the door. Like you're ready to close it shut. Grinning, you shoo him away. "That's your problem. Now go go." With that said, you slam the door at his face and lock it.

Exactly twenty minutes passes before you get a call. Abandoning the broom, you grab your phone and press it against your ear.

"I got your food but I'm stopping by a store for drinks. What do you want?"

"I'm surprised you were able to find them."

"Well, yeah I have connections. So what drinks do you want?"

"I'm good with anything. You pick."

"Okay." He says. "Oh and by the way, you better finish all these or I swear to god I won't let you go that easily. I still can't believe you made me run some errands for you."

That last part comes off as a bitter whisper. You can't help but find amusement in his tone.

"Or really? What are you gonna do?"

There's a long pause with his breathing filling the lull of silence. And then he speaks.

"I don't know. Maybe lock you up in my room?"

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