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"Where's the rest of it?"

"That's all of it, dad."

"You really expect me to believe that this is it? Do you think I'm stupid?" He raises his hand, causing you to flinch. You hold your breath as you wait for an impact. But it never comes. When you slowly open your eyes, he's looking away while grinding his teeth in annoyance. "You better make sure this is all of it. If I find out you've been hiding from me, I'll make you regret it."

This is why you never tell him where you work. To avoid trouble. You're not even sure how he managed to find this place. Is this a sign to quit and find another work place?

Shoving the bills in his pocket, he turns his heel and leaves with a nasty cough. The night's normally cold. But right now, it's freezing. You let out a sigh, feeling your heart beat rapidly against your chest. So you managed to get out of that situation without a scratch. Next time, you won't be so lucky.

"Dang I wouldn't want to be in your shoes right now." Emerging from their hiding, Jimin graces you with his presence. A purple bruise accentuates the slope of his once perfect cheek. Your gaze linger there.

"How long have you been eavesdropping?"

"Not too long. The moment you guys left the store."

So he saw everything. Then again, maybe it's not such a bad thing. He already seems to know the relationship you have with your father. What's there to hide?

"So that was your dad uh? I honestly expected him to be older. Let me guess. In his early thirties? Teen dad?"

He's asking when he clearly knows the answer.

He's clad in a beige hoodie and black pants that tightly hug his legs. Those rips travel all the way up to his thighs, exposing his skin. His hair's a mess and studs and silver chains dangle the lobes of his ears. At certain angles, the moon reflects from them. You're pretty sure those are real diamonds.

Yoongi's words echo in your head. And right now, you'd rather talk about what happened earlier than what happened just now. "About what happened at school-"

"Oh it's fine. Don't worry about it. I kinda deserve that since you know- I was being kinda pushy." He laughs it off. "That friend of yours. Kim Taehyung was it? Tell him he throws a good punch. But I throw mine better."

Even though he's smiling, there's a darker meaning lingering that last statement.

"So yeah. Can't stay long and chat. Just stopped by to check up on you and I best be going now. I'll see you at school." Winking, he twirls around and leaves with a skip in his steps.

You're about to head back inside when you stop. There it is again. That feeling like you're being watched. You look around. This isn't just any random feeling. It's been going on for a month now. You've seen them. And the worst part about it, is that you're not sure wether they mean harm or not.

For now, you shake the feeling away and get back to work.

One at a time. You'll handle it one at a time.

The Following Morning




That annoying sound.




Your head feels like exploding. You kick the chair in front of you, whispering for him to stop tapping his pen.

As if to irk you, he pauses and repeats the same annoying rhythm.

"Can you please stop doing that?" You tell him using a volume only you two can hear.

"If you agree to meet me up after school then I just might."

"What if I don't want to?"

"Then seat tight and don't expect me to stop." The fact that he's talking so seriously has you rolling your eyes to the side.

"Fine. Just quit it." He twirls the pen around his two fingers and gently places it on top of his desk.

"Let's also stop by at your place after school." He says, causing you to raise an eyebrow in confusion.


"To grab some clothes. In case you missed the news, there won't be any classes until next week. That'll give us a lot of time to... catch up." And he didn't bother asking you if wanted to tag along? Why is this a one sided decision? "So I booked us a flight to Jeju. Our plane leaves tonight."

"You're joking. You know I can't do that. I have a job-."

"That's already been taken care of." He leisurely intercept. "I already talked to your bosses. And they were pretty chill with the idea."

He probably threatened them or something. The more this conversation goes on, the more you're close to having a migraine. "Have you always been this annoying?"

"Depends on what you define as annoying. I'm just being persistent. It's been a while since I had my best friend all to myself. And that's not even my fault."

"Oh so you're saying it's mine?"

"I'm not the one who keeps distancing myself. So yes. I guess so."

"Miss Kim and Mr Jeon." The teacher interrupts. "Is there something you'd like to share with the class?"

Jungkook shakes his head, and you follow suit.

"I'd appreciate it if you keep your voice to a minimum while I'm teaching. So back to what I was saying. Our past presidents.."

"I already told you why."

"Yeah right. And the award for best creator of lame excuses goes to, Kim Y/n. And besides, just think of our trip as a payback."

"A payback for what?"

He points at the bandage gauze stuck to his forehead. "For this one. It hurts like hell and I need someone to take care of it. Make sure it doesn't leave a scratch."

Sorry, Im An Anti-Romantic | JJKजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें