Chapter 1

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"TONY! I swear I am going to kick your ass! Give me back my ice cream! MOOOOOM!" These kids, I swear they are going to be the death of me.

"Corey, go deal with your kids. I'm on strike." I flop down in front of Uncle Thomas at the table in the office. No matter the little changes we did in here I still think of it as Alpha Alexander's office. It has been 15 years since we came back to the old pack. It took Alpha Alexander 5 years to retire after that dreadful event. I still have the odd nightmare about it.

I remember after I found out I was pregnant I was so excited but also scared. I picked up the phone to call my uncle but accidentally called the Alpha. I froze. I knew he was still struggling after losing his son. My first mate, the one that put me through hell before finally rejecting me. It was still weird to think that I was supposed to be the Alpha's daughter-in-law. After he found out I had a Moon Bond I could see many conflicted emotions cross his face in seconds. I knew he wanted to be happy for me but all those 'what if's' would fly around in his head. I, too, may have had those moments once or twice over the first year. Uncle Thomas said he was better, still getting better but I felt this was going to be a slap in the face.

The last time I saw him was 4 days after that horrible night. For someone who didn't know him he looked like a big ol' grumpy burly man but to me he was a man that lost part of his soul. His son. It was heart wrenching seeing a man as powerful as the Alpha to be torn up like that. I knew it would take time but then again do you ever really get over losing a child? I couldn't even imagine losing one of mine.

"Ah hi Alpha Alexander. I...umm...called the wrong number. Sorry, I meant to call Uncle Thomas." My nervousness was clear as the blue sky.

"Hold on Sweetheart." I heard Alpha Alexander chuckle before some shuffling. He sounded good. It was nice to hear him laugh, even if it was just a small one. That helped me take a big breath and relax a bit.

Uncle Thomas said my name before I could rescind the call. "Hey Uncle T! How are you? Everything ok on your end? Any new lady friends?" And I was rambling. A new and annoying habit I recently picked up when I was nervous.

"What did you do Mackenzie?" Uncle Thomas sighed while the Alpha chuckled again. I guess he was close enough to hear me talk.

"Nothing! I swear! Well besides pissing off Ant but really that is nothing new." I paused a second before continuing. If I wasn't nervous I would have been annoyed that he thought I was in trouble again. I do not get in that much trouble! Hell, things have been pretty smooth going the past year and a half. "I ah...actually have good news for a change. and Corey are...ah...I'm pregnant." The last word was softer than the rest but I knew everyone in the room heard me.

I thought the line went dead at first before my Uncle spoke. "Oh baby girl, I am so happy for you! But I have to say I am too damn young to be a Great Uncle. You're killin' me over here kid."

Then there were a couple congratulations yelled over the phone before I heard Alpha Alexander. "Congratulations Sweetheart. I am truly happy for you." he sounded sincere, if not a little sad.

"Thank you Alpha, Uncle and whoever else is in there. I have to go but will call you guys again soon." I quickly hung up before anyone could say anything else.

Yeah that conversation was tough and I have had a couple more with the Alpha the following years before Corey took over the pack. But I have to say as soon as the Alpha met out little Queen he was putty in her hands. So much so she started calling him Gpa. Short for Grandpa and he absolutely loved it and has taken on that role ever since. Luna Lola was a different story. Oh she loved my daughter. I think, but they never bonded. Hell, even to this day she struggles. She definitely was not the same Luna after losing her son that night. She lost her spark. Yes, she still cared for the other pack members but it was a lot more forced and ever since she found out I was pregnant she stayed clear away from me as politely as possible. That went for me as well.

"Why are they always my kids when they are behaving as their mother did at that age?" My gorgeous mate asked me with a devilish smile, snapping me back to the now. Before I had a chance to respond he was out the door while my uncle hid his laughter over my smartass mate's response.

"You know this is payback right?" I looked at Nick with a questioning glance. "You have 2 out of 3 kids with your attitude. You were really a pain in the ass."

"Still is if you ask me," Alpha Alexander walked in with his cocky little smile. While I sat there with my mouth open in shock as the rest of them roared with laughter.

"I'll show you a pain in the ass," I mumbled getting up to leave the room. I fought to keep the smile off my face since my response just made them laugh even harder. Sure Alpha Alexander was better but he still didn't laugh often so when he and the others laughed at my expense I soaked it up. Their happiness made me happier.

"Hey Mom, what did you do now?" My favourite child asked me as I met him in the hall. Yes, yes, I know a parent should never have a favourite child but he is just so level headed and loving for a 16 year old.

"Hey Sweety. Nothing, Gpa just thinks he is funny is all." I answered him loudly so the men in the room I just left could hear. And right on cue the laughing started all over again.

Sharing a secret smile with my boy he returned it as I hooked my arm with his as we walked down to the kitchen where I could still hear the other monsters bickering. "Thomas, why can't your twin and sister be more like you? You're such a good boy."

Unfortunately I have not yet grown out of my shit disturbing days. Thomas looked at me and laughed knowing what I was doing and it worked. I heard Tony and Charlie yell 'Hey!' sounding offended but it stopped the bickering. As we walked into the kitchen I could see Corey chuckling quietly as he placed chocolate sauce and strawberries on the table with 4 bowls of ice cream.

"Oh ice cream!" Yep, still a kid at heart. Leaving Thomas's side I plopped my butt on the closest chair, reached for the chocolate sauce to drown my ice cream as my other 2 children just stared before quietly joining me and their brother.

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