∞ Chapter 5 ∞

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" Sweetheart " , came a voice from the back .

Hearing the voice everyone turned their head at the direction and was shocked plus surprised to see...

"Neil" , exclaimed Vishakha with tears in her eyes .

Happiness was clearly visible in her eyes which came out through tears .

"Neil ", she spoked again and ran to the main door where her heart was standing .

"Sweetheart" , exclaimed Neil and came forward in the direction of her mother and further engulfing her in a heart warming hug which was full of love and care .


Neil's POV

"Sir everything is sorted , all the employees have been instructed and all the work is being processed" , said my PA Patrick handling me the project file which required my signature .

Currently I am sitting at my office at New York . I love my work and many a times I have been trashed by my mother very badly because of working day and night huhh but I can't help it. I am a workaholic person . When it comes to work I don't see whether it's a day or night . Work comes first . And this is the solo reason why my sweetheart my mom gets angry on me because once I engross myself in work I didn't care about my surroundings , my food , nothing so yeahh but I know her well , I can very well pacify her ;)

Well it's time for surprise , today I am returning back to India after 5 years ahh isn't it too long yes it is but finally I am returning , my work is done here and so I am heading towards my home in Mumbai .
I wanted to surprise my sweetheart that's why I didn't let anyone of them know about my arrival . Also my company at Mumbai needs my special attention , some people needs to be treated well in my style in
Neil Malhotra's Style so yeahh I'll be leaving today in the morning itself and would most probably reach till 12pm at night .

"Sir rest all the things are well you need not to worry , everything will be taken care of" , spoked Patrick broking my trance.

"Well that is for what I pay you Patrick isn't ??", I said putting the pen back into it's stand .

"Ye...yes sir offcourse" , he replied .

"Ok so I don't want any sort of issues over here and if anything is serious then concern Nick or me , am I clear" .

"Yes sir sure . Sir your jet is ready" .

I simply nodded and walked out of my cabin putting on my shades . I could see my employees standing and further bowing their head down as I walked past them . I smirked seeing my effect on them .

"Attention everyone , as I am leaving for India today so you people don't get happy and enjoy your meantime you guys are here to work and I want that . I want perfection in each and every work and moreover your Nick sir will look after you all . I am clear .
And offcourse I don't like to repeat myself" . I spoked in my stern bossy tone .

"Yes sir we understood" .
"Sure sir" .
"We won't disappoint you sir" .

I heard their voices and nodded my head in approval and walked past them entering into the lift .
Well I am not a kind of jolly person so this planning a surprise and all is not my type though I am doing it for my mom . I don't want to leave New York but still I have too but I will be returning soon only if my mom allows me back then , because I know her very well ahhhh mom's are mom's . No one can change their love for their children and I so love her .

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