chapter seven

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LAYNE'S EYES WERE TRAINED ON THE WALL. Parts of the wall were different shades than others. They had hired a painter a couple of years ago to repaint the break room for the nurses. It had been a whole hassle, Layne remembered. One of the cheaper ones had been picked, because of all the budget cuts. The result was botched walls, where you could see the painter had switched colours halfway through.

Her head was cocked to the side, with her ponytail sliding over her shoulder. The pen in her hand tapped against her notebook in a certain rhythm. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. The team who had been on the night shift was briefing the day team about what had happened. Layne made notes here and there whenever her patients were brought up. She scribbled on the sides of the page, since her writing was too big to fit on the provided space.

Emily Kovach, who stood next to a white board, screwed the cap back on the marker. She tapped against the board, trying to grab everyone's attention. When she was done speaking, everyone had started talking amongst themselves. "So, everyone —, unless someone else has something extra to add," She glanced at her co-workers on the left side of the room — Layne sat on the right. "Then we're done with this meeting."

Chairs slid across the tiled floors. The door swung open and the nurses piled out of the nurses' lounge in a mass. Layne took her small notebook from the table and slipped it back into the pocket of her scrub pants. She pinned her pen into her tiny breast pocket. Elizabeth waited for her, while Ned and Imogen walked out together in full conversation. Something about some show they were both watching, of which Layne didn't quite catch the name.

"It looks dark again."

"Huh?" Layne turned her head towards Eliza, with her lips parted slightly. Her eyebrows were furrowed together. She patted the back of her head, feeling if her hair was still as smooth. She had pulled on her ponytail earlier during the meeting to tighten it. Layne didn't want bumps in her hair. It would look unkempt that way, which was something her mother always reminded her off.

"Outside," The two friends walked across the bridge, stopping to look at the big windows. Layne leaned forward, her hands feeling the cold of the railings. Elizabeth's dainty manicured index finger towards the clouds in the sky. "The clouds look pretty dark. It's probably going to rain. They said it wouldn't though. Damn weathermen. Do they ever get it right?"

Layne let out a laugh. "Sometimes. Sometimes. I think I have an umbrella with me, so I think I'll be fine," She turned her head towards her best friend, as they sync up their footsteps. Elizabeth stuffed her hands into her pockets, looking down at their feet. Her hair fell in front of her face. "How did it go yesterday with your lawyer?"

Elizabeth lifted up her head, tucking her hair behind her ears. She rolled her brown eyes, as a scoff escaped her lips. "Horrible, Lanes, horrible. I made such a fool of myself? Why did I ever listen to Ned Boyd of all people? 'Yeah, El, just pretend to have an issue with your contract. That'll get you in.' I think she actually hates me. You should've seen the look on her face. I can never face her again. My love life is ruined and I 100% blame Mr. Love over there."

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