chapter 1

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   Authors note: Yes this does include malcom and Cole. But their just gay in this. Also sorry if something's seem off I may have forgotten some bits ^^

The mirror flew into millions of pieces. You were in a state of shock and fear. A large hand held onto the outside of where the mirror was hung. He steps out, he reveals himself and you couldnt help but blush a bit. For a man that had been stuck in the walls for 20 years he seemed put together. He was fit but wore a raggedy outfit. You were snapped back into reality by him charging at your ex boyfriend. Malcom tried to help by pushing him off only to be shoved away. You were begging and pleading for him to stop.

The mask reminded you brahms, who you thought was just a doll. Everything you believed in was tearing down. Brahms pushed you away and grabbed a piece from the shattered porcelain doll. He stab it into Cole's neck. It was terrifying to look at. He turned to you and ran at you, putting you into a headlock. A part of your brain was going haywire while the other was making jokes. Malcom hits brahms in the back of the head with something and he falls to the ground. You're not too sure if hes dead or just hurt.

You two run out the room only to be cornered by brahms. You run up the stairs malcom running behind you. But you werent being followed, atleast you didnt think so. You and Malcom ran into a room. You took the key and made sure the door couldnt be opened. You and malcom were looking for ways to escape. You see brahms footsteps and hear the door handle move. It cranks first softly then rougher. But then all together it stop, and he walks away. You try to figure out where hes going to.

The closest

You go to shut the closet, you see him and shut the door. You and malcom try to keep the door shut. A smash is heard and brahms arm has crashed through the door. He feels around and grabs you by the arm, trying to pull you closer. Malcom grabs a rotary phone and hits brahms arm with it. He moves his hand out the way and malcom and you run off. Looking for another way to escape. You run out into the hall, both of you cautious incase brahms was around.

You run into a room and malcom tells for you to find the key. "I cant see anything!" You tell him in a panicked tone. You see some light peek out a corner of a room. You can both leave from here. You both crawl through the small space just as brahms storms through the door. You and malcom make it through but cant hear anyone coming. You can only go up, so both of you do. You then make it into a place that looks like an alternate room. You can peep through the crack of the walls. You can see all around the house.

Footsteps seem to be all around you. You open the door to what seems like an alternate room. "It has everything you could need" malcom says in disbelief. You walk around and find what looks like his bedroom. On top of his has a doll, with an outfit of yours on it. You find it creepy, but the crumpled up tissue paper flatters you a bit. Malcom finds a way down and you follow after him. By now your head has filled with thoughts of what hes gonna do to you.

What if he kills you both, or tortures malcom and forces you to watch. The thoughts spill out your head as you mumble to yourself. "Calm down" malcom says. You chew on your finger nails and thumb. As you wander through the walls you take a small bit of time to peek out the crevice. An arm punched through the wall and you scream. You and malcom run off and brahms chases after you. You think you've lost him but brahms crashed through a wall onto malcom. Malcom manages to hit him down.

As you're running you manage to find the end. It's a small gated exit, it closes a bit and you crawl to get through.  You start hitting it trying to budge it open as much as you can. Malcom stands up presumably alerted by something. "Hes coming" malcom says his voice filled with dread. "IM NOT LEAVING WITHOUT YOU" you tell at him, all logic is out the window. "JUST GO" he shouts back at you. He moves down the small hall a bit and brahms comes around the corner. You can hear brahms go around the corner. Malcom agitates him by saying "Come on. Come on!" Brahms then tackles him down. "NO" you yell.

Both of them wrestle on the ground for a bit. Brahms straddling him, hitting him with a random object. You can hear the metal collide with his skull. You yell as malcom passes out brahms then looks at you slowly. "y/n" he says in a childish voice softly. "Come here" he says in a breathless voice "I'll be good". You were so confused as to what he even wanted to do. He was inching closer to you. But he seemed sad, almost helpless. You couldnt help but feel bad, he must've been alone for years.

You shake your head and begin kicking at the door hoping it'll open. "Get back here" he says sternly you kick harder. The door opens and you run out. You hear him yelling "You get back here!" He screams loudly. "IF YOU LEAVE ILL KILL HIM" He wasnt dead. Malcom wasnt dead, yet. "ILL KILL HIM JUST LIKE THE OTHERS" you just ran. You ran to the gate by now your adrenaline wearing off. You began to think, maybe you could save malcom. Maybe you could help Brahms too. Get him the help he needs to be a normal person again. Against your better judgement you walk back to the house. Through the front door, you walk up stairs through the hall. Then you find him "I came back for you brahms. I didnt leave and I promise I won't. I'm sorry" Your voice was shaking.

He just stands their towering over you breathing heavily. He takes in the sight before him before snapping back. "BRAHMS" you yell. He looks at you not saying a word "time for bed" you say. You walk a bit before realizing he wasnt following you. "Brahms. It's time for bed. Now!" He then walks with you to his room. He walks slowly up to his bed. "Put the weapon down please" you say trying not to seemed scared. He slowly places it down with a soft clink.

Pulling back the sheets you motion for brahms to lay in. He does as instructed and you tuck him in. Just as you go to leave he grabs your arm. "No kiss tonight brahms. It's your punishment" You go to leave again but he sits up holding into you tighter. You sigh and re-tuck him into bed and lean down to give him a small kiss. But he holds you close you move back a bit. "Goodnight brahms. Sleep tight and clean up in the morning please" you nod and walk off turning off the lights. You then shut the door and walk to where malcom is.

Hes still unconscious so you pick him up and drag him to your room. You pass the room where cole is and cant help but feel bad. A pinch of guilt pricks you in the chest. Then again he was an awful man, maybe he deserved it. He had hurt you before and brahms was only helping. You place malcom on your bedroom floor and give him a pillow and blankets. You too then lay down slowly drifting off the sleep. Very unaware of what tomorrow will bring. 

Brahms heelshire x Male Y/N Where stories live. Discover now