Chapter 3

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Authors note: Hey yall next chapter will be a smut chapter so be ready! Have a good day/night <3

Weeks and months go by and you two slowly start getting familiar with eachother. You even managed to show him new genres of music. Sometimes brahms will go back into the walls. Meaning youd have to look for him. You two sit at the table for dinner, brahms doesn't eat when you're looking.  "Hey Brahms, I got a question" you bite into your meal. He tilts his head to the side. "Why did you have a doll of me? And can I perhaps, maybe, get my clothes back?"

You force a smile and eat more of your food. You two have been working on his communication skills. "No, its mine and it's been, used" he clears his throat. You knew what he meant but you wanted to hear him say it. "what do you mean?" You act confused. Those few years of acting classes must've played off. He sniffs and looks down, moving his food around with his fork.

"Dont play with your food" you tell him finishing your own. You wash your dish and move your seat. You face away from him. You can hear the crinkling of his clothes and a small clink. He must've taken off his mask to see. You were tempted to look back at him. No matter what, to you he was beautiful to you. "So will I be able to have my clothes back"

The fork gently is put against his plate. "I'll give it to you soon" he says. His voice not soft but not rough. "Thank you" you smile and kick your feet. He finishes his food in a few minutes and washes his plate.
The doorbell rings and you get off the chair to answer it. Brahms is watching from the sidelines. Out of view from anyone who was by the door. You open it "Hello!" Its malcom. You havent seen him in a while. "Hey, can I come in" you look at brahms and hes gone. You nod your head and open the door for him to come in.

"So, hows brahms" hes acting oddly and looking around. "What do you mean" you shift around. "Cmon Y/N it's only us. Why dont you call him out" he shifts onto his heels looking around. Somethings definitely wrong with him. You grab two glasses and pour wine into them. You ignore the question. "Would you like some wine?" You smile at him, he responds, "sure why not" he takes a glass. You walk towards the living room, malcom trailing behind.

He looks up the halls and around some corners. "Whatcha looking for?" You ask him smirking. Brahms was amazing at hiding you knew malcom wouldnt find him so easily. "Hm? Oh nothing! Hows cole" he says cole name slower and a bit louder. Does he think you're stupid? "Malcom sit next to me please" a slight whine is heard in your voice. He sits next to you, very alert. "You need to chill out! You act like I'm gonna kill you"

You just might, well that's what you tell yourself. You turn on some music and almost on que the lights dim a bit. Were you trying to seduce him? Kinda, not really but you had an idea. Since he was acting strange and had police a while ago, he may have a wire. "Its been a while" he says sipping some wine. "Yeah how have ya been?" You smile at him scooting a bit closer to him. "I've been pretty good" he smiles at you. "Malcom, I never noticed how lovely your eyes are. Such a beautiful color" you sip some more of your wine.

"Oh thanks. Your eyes are pretty too" he traces his fingers along the glass brim. "Its so lonely here. I have no one to talk to" you sigh and lay back in a slump. "What about Brahms?" He says you look at him like hes an idiot. "Who?" Still he seems to be looking around, every so often his shift from one end of the room to the other. "Excuse me I have to use the restroom" you put your glass down next to him. Purposely leaning a bit down on him. You walk up the stairs slowly, then softly when you know he cant see you. You look back down the stairs then back infront of you. And their is brahms. "What are you doing." His voice quiet but harsh.

You speak quietly "I dont want him to know you're here. He may be wired and if he has evidence against you. Were both in trouble" you check downstairs. Brahms seems a bit agitated but you always have a reason for what you do. You caressed his cheek and smile at him "I promise itll be okay" you walk to the restroom. If you wanted to get that wire off him then you have to look beautiful. You out on chapstick and a nice cologne. You smooth your hair then fluff it up, it was a process. You also proceed to brush your teeth.

Once you think you're ready you walk downstairs. "Sorry if I kept you waiting" you smile at him. He just looks up at you in awe. "No, it was, it was fine come sit." He pats a spot next to him I sit next to him with a smile. I then pour more wine for us. His hand runs against my leg and in response I brush my leg against him. You can feel brahms angry glare from somewhere. You lean in close to malcom "you look...really good" he smiles and your lips connect. By now feeling the Ray's from brahms on your back. You put your palm to malcolm's chest feeling something. It's hard and box shaped on his chest. You put your hands up his shirt and grab it. "What the hell is this!?" You feel so smart. But also bad for doing all that infront of brahms. Hes gonna be so pissed at you after this.

"Look! It's not what it looks like" he says grabbing the box from you. "You're such a pervert! What were you gonna do if I didnt find this" you cross your arms and glare at him. "No no no look I thought maybe brahms was here and I could fine something on him" he spills out everything. How dumb can he get. "God damnit malcom! Their is no brahms. Who the hell are you even talking about?" You storm off to the front door. You slam it open "Get out of my house" he steps outside. "I promise I'm so sorry. I wouldn't told you if anything happened" you just scoff and shut the door. You then smile 'I'm so good at acting' you thought. You lock the door and walk upstairs. As you get to the top step brahms is their. He towers over you breathing heavily. "Brahms are you okay?" He grabs you by the arm roughly. "Ouch! Be careful" he slams the door to your room open.

He throws you onto the bed. You understood where this was going and were excited but nervous. After all he still seems pretty pissed off.

Brahms heelshire x Male Y/N Where stories live. Discover now