Chapter 5

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An: Hey yall sorry for not updating! My bio dad finally started talking to me and some other stuff happened as well!

The smell of something sweet hits your nose. You stretch and your back cracks a bit. Your legs shake like your having a seizure, that's how you know it's a good stretch. You yawn and get up, your lower body is sore from last night. You scratch your hair and walk downstairs with a little limp. As you walk down you hear plates clinking. The sound was very light as though he didnt want u to hear. You're at the bottom of the stairs when you see brahms. His tall figure set down a player of food for you. Usually in the morning you wouldnt eat, it was smth odd you did. Even so you smiled at him for even putting in effort.

You walk towards the table with a smile painted on your face. Brahms nods at you and his plate seems to already have been eaten. He sits at the other side of the table watching as you sit down. He has the more adorably stupid apron. It was here when you got it but was too large to put on. It had little strawberry and other fruits on it. You didn't feel like eating, but you felt like you had to. Like you owed him that, so you began chewing. It was a short stack of pancakes with some eggs and bacon on the side. You were half way done when you felt full. But you didnt wanna tell him that.

So you began slowly nibbling the food. You hear the sound of a chair scooting out and look up. 'Did I upset brahms?' You asked yourself. You poured and looked down. But when you got up he was right next to you. He was so sneaky and quick he was like a magician. In his soft voice he said "You dont have to finish if ur not hungry" though his mask wasnt off you can tell he had a smile on. He rubbed your hand and looked you dead in the eyes. He took your plate and put the rest of the food away for later. He didn't really like throwing food away.

You wiped your mouth and hugged brahms while he finished dishes. "Imma go get changed" you say running upstairs. You got upstairs and looked through your clothes. You put on some ripped Jean shorts. You searched for a shirt and found a pastel one with little carrots on it. You have no clue where it came from but it was cute. This was a classic dad outfit to you. Then again you dont have a dad so who knows if you're right. You sigh and place your hands on your hips. You reminisce about the last time you saw ur dad. You were 27 now so it's been like what, 16 years?

You never knew much about him,and you never really cared about him. It was once a very sad thought but now it was simply a casualty that happened. In fact you never thought about your family in general. It wasnt a sad thought, well not to you anyways. When you were younger you would cry over it. But now you feel overdramatic, and you were constantly told the same thing.
"Boys dont cry"
It always made you feel weak to show such emotions. For years you remember the struggle to show compassion, fear, love. You thought it was all for children and something you never needed. But after months in living in this house, you felt it. When you first saw him. The tingle in your chest and the twist in your stomach. The way your heart sped up, or maybe your heart sped up because a man was in your walls.

Either way seeing him was love at first sight. He was everything you ever wanted. It was so cliche to you but you loved it. You thought maybe, just maybe this would be your happily ever after. After getting to know him you realized how kind he was. He made you feel worthy of love. He didnt have to speak to show you it. All he had to do was look at you. His eyes showed it. They showed the warmth you've been searching for all this time. Having gone partner to partner hoping the next was the one. And finally almost as though you've been struck by luck, you found him. The person you wished to spend your life with. He made you feel like one of those old movies. Where the main character would kick their feet while talking to their lover.

You snapped out of your thoughts when you realize a tall figure was staring at you. He walked towards you. His steps soft and slow. He put a hand on your shoulder and the other rubbed your hand. He was wearing a new cardigan Jean's a black shirt. He still loved his original outfit, so youd wash it frequently. It was a comfort outfit for him. You loved being able to comfort him. Something you realized was it was easier for him to write letters. Speaking wasnt his profession in anyway. But he loved writing letters.

Wether they be long or short, hes write them. Sometimes hed leave letters on your desk for you to read when you woke up. He even tried flowers and encased them. You used the flowers as a bookmark. These small things meant so much to you. Whenever he would go outside, which wasnt often, he would come back with something for you. Sometimes interesting rocks, cool bottle caps or small knickknacks. He even once brought you back some bird bones. It was odd but you took it. You had a small shelf aswell as 2 desks for the stuff he gave you. Youd arrange them into little columns. Bones on their own side of the shelf and rocks on a different one.

Somethings youd also do was read, you both would play music and read. It was so sentimental to him, he always thought of them as mini dates. The most hes gotten out was when he took you outside for a picnic. On that day he wore a lovely yellow button up. It was a bit tight around the chest area but Oh well. Then he had on lovely black bottoms and flats. He had this weird old timey romance to him. And you loved it, you loved him.

And for once. You loved life. No need to change it. It was perfect, perfect as long as he was their.

An: hey yall idk if imma continue this. Lemme know what yall think goodnight/day!

Brahms heelshire x Male Y/N जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें