New London

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     The long journey back to New London was tense and awkward for all of them. Even Reginald Fox seemed apologetic about what he'd done. When he did speak, it was to try to justify his actions, explaining to a silent room what they knew about the failure of the Mars colony and all the reasons he had for believing that a second attempt to colonise the red planet would be no more successful than the first. Cheval and Windsor pointedly ignored him, acknowledging his existence only when his gunshot wound needed treatment.

     Windsor's frostbitten back began to scab over after a day or two, and the pain receded enough to allow him to wear a coverall, although he was careful when sitting down, lowering himself into the chair slowly and then keeping as still as possible to avoid rubbing the damaged skin. The doctor who examined him over the video link said he thought that the damage would heal without the need for skin grafts, although he would carry the scars for the rest of his life. Cheval's leg also looked as though it would heal without him being handicapped by it. Within a few months he would have recovered completely with only a scar of his own to remember it by.

     When they were half way back to the city they were met by another rover to take Reginald Fox off their hands. The authorities seemed to think that, even though he was virtually incapable of rising from his bed, he might still cause some mischief with both police officers injured. Windsor and Cheval were very happy to see the back of him, and so didn't bother to point out that, with his mission accomplished, he no longer had any reason to cause mischief.

     Their rover came to a halt somewhere in the middle of what had once been France and the other rover parked behind their own, back to back. The two rovers, under the control of their autopilots, then reversed slowly together until the two airlocks mated together forming a solid connection. Three burly police officers then came across with a gurney. They placed Fox on it, none too gently, then carried him back through the airlocks after which the two rovers continued on their way to New London, side by side.

     Andrew declined every invitation to speak to reporters over a video link. The only people he wanted to talk to were his wife and children, who were also being pestered by reporters. "They keep knocking on the door," said Susan, frowning at him from the screen of his tablet. "Wanting to know what we think of what you did. Whether we think you could have done more."

     "Next time they can try," replied Andrew bitterly. "See if they can do any better."

     "You promised me you wouldn't take any risks!" Susan scolded him. "You were only supposed to drive the rover. The policemen were supposed to do all the dangerous stuff."

     "Believe me, if someone else could have done it, I would have been delighted to let them."

     "When I saw the footage of you jumping from one rover to the other..."

     "What, wait!" interrupted Andrew, holding his hands up in front of the tablet screen. "You saw me jump?"

     "Everyone did. Someone leaked the footage to the press and it's been all over the news. The children just stared like they couldn't believe it. I mean, you're their dad. You make them tidy their room, you make sure they do their homework, and all of a sudden you're leaping from one rover to another on top of an active volcano like some kind of action hero. I almost had a heart attack!"

     Andrew grinned. "So does that mean I'm the coolest dad ever now?"

     Susan dropped her eyes. "If you'd succeeded, maybe. As it is, the children are getting a hard time from the other kids at school."

     Andrew glared. "I'll talk to the teachers. I won't have my children bullied."

     "I already have, but children don't just meet in school. And they've been accosted by reporters while going to and from the youth clubs, the swimming pool, the gym..."

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