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remiahs fanclub 🤭

hermania 📚:
can we finally exchange twitter
names now?

daddy 😎:

sugar mommy 🙃:
mine is a little silly 🤪

green 🤩:

ed sheransom:
silly billy 😋

lucky 🌈:
silly goose

sugar mommy 🙃:
enough is enough.

plant papi 😫:
leave mariah alone !!

harold ⚡️:

ed sheransom:
ship tbh

daddy 😎:
what my ronny kins said 🙏

ed sheransom:
ronny kins? 😵

daddy 😎:
you know you like it ☺️

sugar mommy 🙃:
anyways my twitter is

ed sheransom:
what the hell is a shrek

daddy 😎:
dw we will watch it together one day

beauty 😍:
the queen of manifesting ^

daddy 😎:
ofc ofc.
my twitter is miahsrates btw

hermania 📚:
just followed you guys

—————— twitter —————

screaming crying.
now that hermy has forced me to tell her my
acct i will now use this more but no more rates #sorrynotsorry
300 ❤️ 5 🔁 100 💭

user303 replying to miahsrates:
welp there goes half of your fan base

miahsrates replying to user303:
it is what it is

seamusisgay replying to miahsrates :
@/deanisgay found her

miahsrates replying to seamusisgay:
please dont have conversations in MY
twitter replies i am still very narcissistic and wants everything to be about me
thanks 💓!

deanisgay replying to miahsrates:
kiss my ass 😘😘

ronlovesfood replying to deanisgay and miahsrates:
not before she kisses mine 😝

hermy.is.a.g replying to ronlovesfood:

miahsrates replying to ronlovesfood:
gladly 😉😉

nobodychoosesme replying to miahsrates:
please keep private talk in the bedroom

miahsrates replying to nobodychoosesme:
who is this.

nobodychoosesme replying to miahsrates:
harry ofc

miahsrates replying to nobodychoosesme:
OHH you seem lonely... and fine @/ronlovesfood
wanna come into my bedroom? 😍

ginnyishotter replying to miahsrates:
he snores.

miahsrates replying to ginnyishotter:
dw there won't be much sleeping going on. 😉😉

oh me oh my.

ginnyishotter replying to miahsrates:
nooo 👩‍🦯👩‍🦯👩‍🦯

ronlovesfood replying to miahsrates:
well if that the case im omw 🧖‍♂️

shr3ksb1tch replying to miahsrates:

wh- i- you- 🤯

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