Part 8

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One duplex after another passes, gang members get killed quickly, women and working men get woken up and told about what's happening. We round on the last house on this stretch. Its a large two story and clearly not a duplex, its a large family home and I can see a two car garage on the side. We move around like we have been, Bjorn opens the door and I move inside.

My body moves instinctively when I hear a scream and see a man sitting in a black vest. He looks up from his can of food just as I enter fully. He drops it and I take a leap towards him, butt of my gun hitting the side of his face. The man doesn't go down, he grabs for my waist but I dance back just barley out of reach. His movements aren't very sharp and he doesn't reach for the gun on his hip. He moves forward again, I hop back on one foot then kick out in a half circle. My foot connects hard with his head and he drops.

Before he can manage to get up, Micah is on him with zip ties. There's another scream from farther in the house, Micah snaps his fingers once then points to farther into the house before continuing to hog tie the semi struggling man. The top of my foot is sore as I move forward, gun at my side. The area we entered in was the kitchen, I move into the large living room and back to where another scream comes from. First floor into the short hallway there's a open door and I hold up my gun as I step into the doorway.

I was mentally preparing for a bunch of different things to be happening to make this women scream. But this wasn't even a scenario in my mind.

Its a girl somewhere between my age and Casey's age on a bed, covered in sweat and a man in between her legs. Its not what you think it is, the girls belly is huge, and the man seems terrified about the situation he's in. The girl sees me first and lets out another scream, this one not filled with pain, its filled with terror. The man turns around to face me and my gun is trained on him before our eyes even meet.

"Is there more people in the house?" I ask. The girl goes between panting and giving out weak sounding noises of fear. The man just slowly raises his hands and I think he's pissed his pants. "There's one vested guy tied up in the kitchen, is there anymore in the house?"

At my second question and my step forward the man starts shaking his head back and forth. "N-no."

"You a doctor?" I ask as the girl lets out a pained filled noise.

"No." He shakes his head again and makes a cringed face. "I just graduated med school, I came to calibrate with my parents."

At least he was seeming less scared as he talked. I motioned to the women with my gun then dropped it to my side. "Help her the best you can."

I put the gun up into my half opened hoodie, the absence of the gun seems to release some tension in the room. The man moves back to his spot checking the girl. "I've never delivered a baby but I've read a lot about it. She's having a lot of contractions close together, I don't know if she's fully dilated yet or just about to be."

As I move into the room I see all the random assortment of medical supplies, and pile of towels. There's footsteps at the door and I look up to see Bjorn in the doorway. Its easy to see the complete shock and confusion that hits his face when he sees the room. I snap my fingers at him. "Get a pot of hot water."

He doesn't nod, he doesn't say anything he just leaves immediately. I know this is not something he'd want to be apart of. I take off my hoodie and wrist sheaths then look down to my hands, they are covered in blood.

"Who was that?" The guy asks then looks over to me, his face pales. "T-that's a lot of blood on your hands."

"I'm with a group, we are taking out the gang members and arming the workers." I tell him.

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