Part 23

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From the outside my storage room would be like the others, but the other doors along this wall are fake. I had a deal with the owner, including this whole fifth building specifically. I had a few motorcycles, all blacked out with no VIN's, all made specifically for speeding into and out of jobs. I had a area with a mat, a punching bag and some weights. A cooler with bottles of water, a pantry with snacks and MRE's. Crates with money in different currency's, fake ID's, passports, and a shit ton of jewelry for those who don't take cash. The reason we are here though, is the weapons. A whole corner of the room is a corner desk with a thick butcher block counter top, drawers, cabinets and shelves. All of its for gun cleaning and has extra gun parts I can swap out and change depending on what was needed.

The entire back wall, the wall across from where we enter, is just racks of weapons, armor and a small section for clothes. Of course the clothes would only fit me, maybe Casey or even Becca but some of the armor might fit some of the smaller people in the group. I hear a few low whistles as the group enters the storage room.

"This is more guns then we'll need for this job." Mato says, walking straight to the back wall. "Hot damn."

A good chunk of my weapons are things you can't get, even in America, or at least it would take a long time to jump through hoops to get. But there's a few somethings I'd like to share with Tyler. "Tyler come here."

I start walking down, under the higher powered sniper rifles I have a couple of drawers. When Tyler gets to my side, I open the top drawer. The drawer its self is over three feet long, and over a foot deep, inside is filled with foam, with cut outs to hold a jewel that would get me immense jail time. But only because I didn't have the paperwork for it, America everybody.

"Is that a rocket launcher?" Tyler ask, a dreamy tone in his voice as he reaches out. He pulls his hand back just before touching it. "RPG or Bazooka?"

I pull a piece of foam back, exposing one of the rockets to go into it. "Bazooka."

"The shots are more accurate." He nods serenely. I show him all four of the rockets before closing the drawer and opening the shallower one underneath. Six more rockets.

"That's not all." I tell him. I move over to the next drawer and open it.

His brows hit his hairline. "That's a lot of C-4."

"I also have thermite."

"Why in the hell would you need rocket launchers, C-4 and thermite... well the thermite I have an idea about but damn." North was standing behind us, I hadn't noticed because I was to excited to share my stash with someone who would appreciate it.

"I probably would have never needed to use them, but I loved to collect things I wasn't allowed to have. In fact I wanted a tank but I couldn't fit it in here." The god damn door and hallway would have been to small to fit a tank in here. I had thought about putting a hole in the wall to fit it in, but then I'd have to have the wall taken back down to get it out. Or just drive right through it.

"We can't take all of it with us, well have to come back at some other point." Mato says, he's perusing all of my big guns.

"What I mostly came here for is this." I walk over to him, then I pull out the drawer underneath. This one is filled with silencers of all shapes and sizes for different guns. "These and the vests will be extremely helpful. I also have some night vision stuff."

"I stashed some stuff in here, there should be body armor for a few of us." Bjorn says and I raise brows. He gives me a shoulder shrug. "I did it when you got arrested."

Ah. Makes sense, most of his stuff would be in Europe, with maybe a few stashes in the states. That did make me think of a question I'm surprised I have never asked before. "Why don't you guys have body armor or like advanced military gear? You had the plan to go to Brandy but never got the stuff?"

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