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Kimani Malia Ryan


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I sat on the floor of the other room of my apartment I liked to call my office or business room on the phone with my dad

"Peanut yo mama birthday coming up what you getting her so I can get something better" my dad and my mom were my best friends and literally my only friends they still are in a way

"Daddy she got three months so I don't know what I'm getting her so don't worry about it Deandre"

"Girl whatever but I'll talk to you later peanut I love you bald head" he hung up before I could clap back cause he knows I'm the clap back queen

I finished packaging the last bit of orders I had which weren't going to be shipped out till Friday but I liked to have them done

Over the past week I had been with Alia and of course at Nardo's home but I made another friend besides Kalia and I guess me and him are besties his name is Jeremiah but they call him J3

Speaking of him I heard my phone ring I sat and let it ring for a second before answering the FaceTime call from him

"Heyyyy forehead" he looked high and dumb

"Hello Jeremiah how may I help you?" I grabbed my phone standing up from the floor making my way into my bedroom

"You wanna go get seafood with me today?" He smiled looking off to the side and talking to someone else

"Just you or you and everybody else?"

"It's everybody but do you want to get seafood ugly?"

"Yea I'll go what time?" I started to think about what I was going to wear and I settled with a all blue sweatsuit and my see through glitter crocs

I got dressed while we were still on the phone but I had turned off my camera getting dressed I put on some lip gloss and my lashes me and J3 had hung up the phone I left my house locking my door and getting in my car waiting for the address

Once I finally got the address I put it in my GPS and started on my journey to my destination.

📍Hot & Juicy Crab

I walked in behind Kalia and I sat next to her and Nardo our server came to our table and started to take our order

"Hi I'm Alyssa I'll be your server for the day and can I start everyone off with drinks?"

They acted like they had never been out to eat so I had to put on my mama skills asking everyone what they wanted to drink

"Can we have 3 lemonades, 5sprites, and I'll take a water thank you" I smiled at her she walked away saying your welcome to me I looked up hearing someone talk to me and it was the girl that came with Osama

"Why is you getting water and everybody else got soda" the girl Ashlyn who's name I had just learned

"I'm not everybody and cause I don't drink soda and sweetheart it's why are not why is" I turned away she had already been mugging me since we had sat outside waiting for our table to be finished like shut up

I'm guessing her and Heavnlee are friends cause she tried to stick up for her getting shut down quick by Nardo

"Shut the fuck up talking to her yo friend didn't have to say nothing to her" she scoffed and leaned back in her seat

I didn't say anything until me and J3 started talking

"Best can you make this outfit for my niece for her birthday" I had recently met his niece Arianna and she is the cutest ever

"Yea send me a picture or what you want it to look like" we kept engaging in conversation while everyone else talked to who they were talking to while Marissa brought our drinks back we started to order our food

I sat and got on my phone with on of my AirPods in listening to Bound 2 by Kanye West and booking my next lash appointment

After about 30 minutes and my 20th song marissa came back with our food I said thank you to her and everyone started to eat

📍Nardo's Home

I ended up back at Nardo's house with them again but I was laying on the couch my my legs on Nardo I'm surprised he didn't move them and my head was on one of his couch pillows while I also had a cover from his closet

"Why the fuck is she laying on you like that?" Heavenlee stood over Nardo raising her voice at him

Yea bitch yell that way cause I will kick your ass in the throat hoe

"Shit ion kno but shut up I'm tryna sleep shawt" he replied putting his arm back over his eyes I looked around seeing everybody asleep or on their way to being asleep so I just listened to some sleep music and I let my sleep take over me...


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