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Kimani Malia Ryan
1 month later


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"Whatever Nardo cause you are fake" I sat on a FaceTime call with Horace in my kitchen making shrimp and chicken baked potatoes with steak and asparagus

"How I'm fake and quit calling me Nardo fuck I tell you ma' name for if you keep calling me that" he rolled his eyes playing his game

"Don't be rude I'll hang up right now and not let you in my home"

"And ima' break in duh" he smiled looking down at me on his phone

"Aww smile again your dimples are cute"

"Mann no, but I'm coming over right now and you need to talk to yo cousin" I rolled my eyes covering up his food and putting it in the microwave

"I tried to talk to her she don't answer the phone and she don't text back" clearly she doesn't want to talk so I won't beg her to"

"Okay so try and talk ta her when I hang up I'm on my way now" before I could argue he hung up making me huff and go through my call log calling Alia

After 3 rings she answered the call before FaceTiming me letting it ring before I answered

"Hello?" She looked at the phone waving

"Hi Alia I was forced to call you but if you don't want to talk you can hang up" she pouted before she started to speak

"I don't wanna hang up and I miss you cousin"

"I miss you too but I'm not gonna keep begging to hang out I make time for everybody especially you but you just don't ever even try too make any for me"

I rolled my eyes ready to cry me and Alia have been best friends since we were kids my only cousin who ever actually cared about me not about my money

"I'm sorry it's just you replaced me with Kalia so fast and y'all just met"

"Alia you weren't making time for me before that so don't try and bring her into this"

"I'm sorry I promise I will make more time for you how about tomorrow we can go out on a movie date" she smiled wiping her tears I smiled back laughing at Horace cussing me out for no opening the door through text message

"Yea we can just call me tomorrow when and where" we said our byes and I love yours before hanging up and going to the door seeing him sitting in his Benz truck

"Nardo come on it's hot and it's night time what the hell" he mugged me walking back towards my condo door he walked in past me

I grabbed the back of his chrome hearts hoodie pulling him back to me after I closed my door

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