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I woke up to my mother telling me the news reported a missing girl around my age. She was simply walking home, the sun was about to start setting, when a man threw her in a van. Part of me wonders when she'll stop with these constant fear-driven stories. I doubt there will ever be an end. I'm not even sure if I'll be able to see the boys again, she's on high alert today. Maybe I shouldn't go. They could be murderers or worse. One girl against all those guys, would not go well. My mom might literally keep me locked away for the rest of my life if she finds out I made... Friends? Were they my friends? Has it been this easy all along?! For years, my idea of a 'friend' was someone to silently read beside at lunch. But this, it is already so much more than anything I've experienced. Soon enough they'll leave me. They'll see what a freak I am but until then, I'll make the best of it.

I left the house acting as if I was going on my daily walk through the forest. Looking down I saw the skirt I wore dancing with the wind. It was not smart to wear a skirt on a windy day. I had made sure the skirt was long enough to hide the wounds inflicted by my mother, but I didn't consider the wind. If I keep my stance natural and bent my knees a little, I should be fine. Other than the constant itch and occasional scab re-opening, my thighs and belly had been healing good. We all decided to meet at Kota's place this time. I have yet to discover what we planned to do there which made me anxious. 

I walked through the forest path that crossed over to Kota's house and before I could knock, a new face opened the door. He had soft brown hair and looked slightly overdressed. However, he looked comfortable as if it was his casual clothing.

"Just come to stare?" the stranger teased, I felt my cheeks go red.

"Sang!" Nathan greeted me. I took that as my invitation to come inside. We walked further into the room and I met a couple more unknown eyes. How many of them were there? I felt my back stiffen, my heart was pounding. I flinched as a hand rubbed my back. Kota. He must have sensed my uneasiness. 

Kota introduced the names of the men I didn't recognize, "That's Victor," He pointed to the brunette who welcomed me inside. "That's Silas," He was at least two heads taller than me. His eyes were deep and dark, almost black in the shadows which matched the color of his hair. "And that is Gabriel." The first thing I noticed about Gabriel was that he has a great sense of style. Next to him, I look like a garbage bag. My eyes met with the others, Nathan, North, and Luke. Seven. There were seven of them. How had I gone from no friends at all a week ago, now I'm in a room with seven boys?! 

My hands shook and I realized I hadn't said anything. I responded, almost in a whisper, "...Hi". I didn't like being the center of attention, and right now, everyone was staring at me. Did I have something on my face? Did my hair look bad? I didn't do anything with it, I put my hair up in it's normal clip with a few hairs framing my face. I felt a slight tug on my hair, before I could even process what it was, I flinched and bumped into Kota."Oh sorry," I mumbled. 

Kota's eyes sympathized with me, "I was thinking we could play a game of Twister". His suggestion held a tone of command. They seemed to love the idea so I nodded along. Silas decided to just watch, Considering I was wearing a skirt I decided to sit out as well. I sat on a couch as Kota reminded everyone of the rules. Silas sat next to me and made the cushions dip with him, my body slid until our legs were touching. He didn't move, he didn't seem bothered. I attempted to scooch away, giving us space. But I just ended up falling closer to him. I could feel Silas's gaze on me the entire time. The corner of his lips tilted upward slightly. 

"Sit still." He demanded. 

"Sorry." I responded. 

"So far all I've heard come from your mouth is a 'hi' and 'sorry'" His tone softened. 

"oh sorry" I fumbled, "whoops, sorry... No... uh" I gave up. I was upset with myself for not being able to keep a conversation.

 The boys decided I control the spinning thing that decides where they go. Silas was tracing a small circle on my shoulder, his arm was around me. It seemed so casual to him, while my mind couldn't take my focus from the touch. I wasn't used to this. He gave me a warm feeling, my chest was swarming with butterflies. Is this what friends do? 20 minutes went by and the boys were all tangled over each other. I couldn't help but laugh. I had finally loosened up. It was down to Luke, Kota, and Nathan. The tension in the air felt as if they were competing for something more than just a kid's game. I watched as they all collapsed at once. their heads turned to me. 

"Who won?" Nathan questioned. 

"I'm not sure." I responded.

"Just randomly pick. we need a winner." Luke added. 

"Ok... You all win!"  

For a moment, they looked displeased with me. But they all began to laugh. 

"Okay she's too cute, we have to keep her." Gabriel announced. 

I was cute? What did I do? I was flustered, compliments were hardly ever directed to me. Gabriel made his way over to the kitchen, grabbing a bag of chips from Kota's pantry. Just before Gabriel could open the bag, Luke ran and snatched it from him. 

"Hey," Gabriel yelled "That's the last one!" 

We had all chased Nathan and ended up in the back yard. I didn't want chips, but I really desired to be included. Victor stole the bag and bolted, it was like an intense game of football. "Sang catch!!" He yelled. The bag flew in the air, I jumped to catch it only to crash into something sturdy. I collapsed over what felt like a lawn chair it landed on top of me. The boys all rushed over to me. Hovering over my head. Only, their eyes were all fixated on my legs. Oh no. Was my skirt up?? I sat up quickly, dizziness rushed to my head. I felt a warm liquid slide down my thigh. I forgot about my wounds. 

Silas crouched to me, and held me down while lifting my skirt more. His hand covered my whole waist. He hadn't done it in a perverted way, more in a way to offer protection. "Failure" He breathed out. 

The Academy: OCD StyleWhere stories live. Discover now