A Love Even Better Than Pancakes

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That night, Doctor Green left but everyone else decided to stay the night. It was my first real sleepover. My first one just turned out to be with seven boys. I did not know much about sleepovers, but I knew that wasn't normal. I slept beside Kota on his bed, Victor was next to me. The others were on the floor with sleeping bags and bean bag chairs. I felt guilty for keeping them here.

Victor's lips came close to my ear, "Sang?"

"Mhmm?" I mumbled.

"I'm sorry I put you in that situation. If I stayed,

"Victor..." I tried pausing him, but he continued.

"I could've stopped your mom. You wouldn't have to be in so much pain. It's my fault and I take full responsibility."

"I promise, this is not on you. It's not your fault my mom is..." I couldn't even say it. I still wasn't even sure I believed she was abusive. "If you had known, you would have stayed. That's what matters. So, I should be thanking you. Thank you, Victor."

He sighed, "You're welcome, Sang". His fingers brushed the back of my hand. I knew what he wanted, what they all wanted. The guys wanted me to leave my family, they wanted to protect me. I just couldn't allow myself to consider it because of the complications I would bring. They were there for me more than anyone ever had been. Yet, I still fear they are just waiting to leave me. I dozed off into my thoughts and let sleep take over me.

The guys hardly ever let me sleep in, but today the did. I needed it.

"Sang," A soft whisper brought me out of sleep. "Princess, what's your favorite food?" asked Victor.

"... Pancakes." I answered, still groggy.

His lips met with the top of my hair, "Alright. Breakfast will be ready in 30."

When I was alone, I got up and saw the clothing Gabriel had set out for me. I quickly bathed, got dressed, and threw my hair in a clip. As I headed downstairs I overheard North complaining about needing more than just carbs and sugar for breakfast. Luke was in complete denial. I entered the kitchen to see chocolate chip, blueberry, banana, cinnamon, and plain pancakes. They were all engrossed in their own conversations, they hadn't noticed I was in the room.

"I hope she likes it." Luke thought aloud.

North pointed a spatula at Luke, "If she does, she's just as bad as you."

"I call sitting next to Sang," Nathan's hand shot up, announcing.

"I'll sit on her other side then." Victor added.

Gabriel gave a disapproving glare, "No fucking way."

"Why don't we just let Sang choose?" Kota suggested.

Silas growled as he threatened, "If I'm not next to Sang, you're all going to pay for it later."

"Guys." I interrupted and all seven pairs of eyes met mine. "You... You didn't have to do this. I don't know what to say."

"We wanted to. I believe the words you're looking for are thank you." Victor's fire eyes looked deep into mine.

I took a breath, "Thank you. I mean that with everything in me."

The boys couldn't agree on who I should sit next to, we all ended up on the floor. I sat on Silas's lap, with the rest of them all surrounding me. I didn't like being the center of attention but, with them, it was different. It was surreal to feel this accepted and wanted. I could never repay them and they knew that. I didn't have money or status or family... I guess I did have a family now. They were my home. As long as I had Kota, Victor, Silas, Nathan, Gabriel, Luke, and North, everything was going to be okay. I realized I'd do anything for them. I would learn to completely trust them, I would leave my parents if that's what they wanted, I would work to calm my OCD, I would let them have their Academy secrets or maybe even join the Academy one day. Whatever they wanted, whatever they needed, I would do it in a heartbeat.



QUESTION: If I wrote a wattpad story would you honestly read it? Even if it was not about the Academy? Feel free to comment suggestions as well. I'm always open :)

If you don't like how this ended, I can continue it. Just let me know, I don't mind. I absolutely love the academy and if it wasn't for this fan-fiction I would not have began to read the series.

I love you and take care of yourself please

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