chapter 09

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Tara was preparing the breakfast for children. Yesterday was a very hectic day for each and everyone. She wanted to go back to her home her Aashiyan. But Sunaina asked her to stay here for a day or two. Surajgarh is a beautiful town but for some unknown reason this place is giving her a strange vibe, yesterday what happened in the fair, she couldn't sleep because of her dreams, dreams in which she heard a scream, a girl calling someone name Vardhan. The images were still blurr but she could clearly hear the gun shots and someone's laughter. That voice send a shiver to her core. She just want to go back, all this is too much to take.

Vicky- Taru, what are you preparing for breakfast.

Tara jerked from her thought hearing Vicky's voice. She composed herself.

Tara- yours and everyone's favourite Aloo paratha.. she shouted everyone to come and have their breakfast.

Vicky- when are we leaving.

Tara- why are you not liking this place. Vicky simple shrugged his shoulders.

Vicky- i want to know so that i can wander some places here..

Tara- or you can go and search for her what's the name of that girll.. hmm

Vicky simply glare at Tara. Tara gave him a cheeky smile. She knows that Vicky is too small for all these stupid talks but she loves to tease him. This is the first time she is getting a chance to tease him, usually Vicky always remain indulge in his study, he have no friends except her. She feel bad that he is missing out his childhood,  his past have made him mature than his age, and this maturity is not allowing him to enjoy his childhood. She simply want him to act like a normal child of 8 years old.

Vicky- would you like to come with me..

Tara - yes , i will ask Kaka to take care of children..

Vicky nodded his head. Soon children came for the breakfast.

Veer slammed his steering.

Veer- damn it..

Vivan- bhai relaxed, we still need to check 4 more orphanages.

Veer- vivan after 3 years, i got a hope , hope of seeing her again. Everyone had declared her.... veer gulped before saying that word..
Dead... but yesterday when siya told that she saw her, i thought may be may my Aarohi never left me, she didn't break her promise. But now... i dont want to go back in that world where she is not present Vivan. I want her damn it i need her more than anything in this world.

Vivan- bhai, believe me , if she is here with us we'll find her bhai.  We'll find her. Let's go this is the last orphanage, whose children are still here in surajgarh.

Veer nodded his head.

Siya- Pakhu please asked Vivan, did they find anything.

Pakhi- siya bache, first relax. I dont want you to take any sort of stress. Okay.

Diya- Pakhu, why momma is looking so tensed. Diya asked Pakhi through her gesture.

Pakhi shook her head, telling her that siya is absolutely fine. Yesterday when diya saw Siya lying unconscious, she started crying bitterly. It was  difficult for Pakhi to console her. Diya slept while crying for her mother. Pakhi not even for a moment left her alone. She made her sleep on her lap giving her warmth and assurance that her mother is going to be fine.

Siya- Diya come here. Diya hugged siya. Siya caresses her head.
I am fine bacha,  mumma is fine. See my injury is also gone. Stop crying now. Mumma dont like it when you cry ...

Pakhi smile,,she also kiss Diya on her forehead and went from there. Right now Diya needs her mother more than anything else. Pakhi went to her dadi maa's room. She laid on her bed. This bed still give her comfort and warmth that her dadi maa used to give her. She remember how just being with her dadi, made all her stress and worry go away. She didnt slept for whole night. She was thinking about her Aaru di. Just like Siya, she also want to see her. She is dying to hug her, cry on her shoulder. She want her di to wipe her tears, like she always does. Soon Pakhi slept, due to extreme exhaustion and stress.

Tara and vicky were wandering on the streets of surajgarh. They both were going from one shop to another to buy gifts for everyone. Vicky really liked this beautiful town. He was enjoying with his taru. On the other hand vivan and veer reached at the house where aashiyan's children were staying.

Vivan- excuse me could you please ask everyone to gather in the hall. We are searching for someone, and we received an information, that person is staying here.

Kaka- Beta, here only children are staying. And if you dont mind me asking  who are you..

Veer- I am Veer Randhawa. Now please do what my brother asked you to do.

Veer Randhawa the name was enough to make people fear. Kaka immediately called each and everyone in the hall. Vivan and Veer waited holding their breaths. This is the last orphanage, if they dont find Aarohi ,then it means what Siya saw was not true. Veer heart was beating fast. Soon everyone gathered in the hall.

Vivan- is that all. 

Kaka nodded his head. Veer felt his heart shattering again into pieces. He wanted to laugh on his destiny. Again and again, his destiny first give him hope to live and then brutally snatched it away from him. Seeing that Aarohi was not here. Veer moved backwards. He was lost again. His hope was broken so was his heart. Vivan on the other hand went to check each and every room. He just dont want to give up yet. He knows thay siya wont say something this serious, if she herself is not sure about it.

Veer left that house, he came towards his car and stood there. He was trying to compose himself . Tears were flowing from his eyes . Tears of pain and helplessness. He dont want to show this weak side of his. He was again breaking apart pieces by pieces. Suddenly he felt her. Veer breath got hitched. He can feel her, close to him. He immediately turn his head, he look around but she was no where to be seen. His heartbeats increases..

Veer- she is here, My Aarohi is here....

Saying this he looked around.. thats when finally he saw her...

Tara and vicky were coming from the streets . Tara felt a strong wave of emotion passing through her. Her heartbeats increases, she clearly have no clue whats going on with her. Her body was shivering. She looked ahead and saw a man... she stopped dead in her tracks. She was mesmerized.. but what shook her was his eyes.  Same eyes which she saw in her dreams.

Veer stood rooted in his place. His Aarohi is here. She was standing few feets away from him. Veer thought that today he'll die with happiness. After 3 years he was seeing her..

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