Chapter 15

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"Finally awake."

You open your eyes, or try to, all you see is darkness. You're seated, and when you pull at your hands, they won't budge. He had you completely subdued.

"I didn't think you would be the one to find me. What are the odds that you turned out to be the cop?"

Jason laughs, and you turn your head. With your blindfold it was hard to figure out where he was standing. Your head was still throbbing from the hit. You couldn't even get your mind to focus enough to get a peak of his thoughts to throw him off, much less free yourself. You could feel the blood trickling down your neck from the blow.

"Jason please, you have to know this won't end well. I work with the FBI. My boss has already realized that I'm gone. They'll be coming after you."

"Don't you worry about that. Besides, those assholes got what they deserved. I was serving justice. Instead of working against me you should be helping. You used to stand up for us. What the hell happened to you!" 

The punch to your gut makes you heave, bending in the chair. Jason snickers.

"You got pretty pathetic. Still beautiful though." His finger skimmed over your hair, and you frowned, trying to catch your breath.

"He..he was your friend." You force out.

"Like hell he was. I stuck around him because I was trying to find a reason why I shouldn't kill him. You really think Allen was the first one."

"You're worse than him. At least he wasn't a murderer."


You expect another punch, but it doesn't connect. You freeze, and that's when you hear footsteps.

"The hell.."

Jason sounds confused, and you hear something break above your head. The glass shatters, and there's more shuffling.

"You never listen."

You swallow at the new voice.


He laughs at that.

"Oh, now you know that I'm your father." Jason is standing at the door with his gun raised.

"Who the hell are you, how did you get in here!!"

Manchester turns from the male uninterested.

"I've been sending you signals all day. Are you really that stubborn, or are your abilities just that underdeveloped."

"Those pulses...that was you?"

"Of course it was. I knew this jackass had come back. I should have killed him the last time." Jason fired the gun in anger, and you jolted. You don't hear the bullet collide, just something hitting the floor. With the blindfolds still on, all you can rely on is your hearing.

"W-What are you.."

There's a tremble in Jason's voice now.

"I should be asking you that. All those years ago when you hurt those kids, I thought I'd give you a chance to repent. I was trying to be a better person. But here you are again, ten years later. People like you don't change. That's what I keep telling my daughter. But she has this false sense of justice engraved by the very government that wouldn't think twice of disposing of her if they ever figured out what she's capable of."

Your lips quiver.

"D-Dad please don't...don't do this.."

"You're still asking me to spare him, he was going to kill you and your team. Are you that naive!"

You jump at his yell, sobbing.

Something else hits the floor, it sounds like a gun.

"I want you to beg, beg me to spare you. Like you made those kids beg."

You fight against your hold, even though you know it's futile.

"You really think I'm scared of some party tri-" Something slams into the wall, and you tremble.




There's a sickening rip that rings in your ears, and you feel something wet splatter on your face. Your entire body goes still, and another heavy thud echoes.

"Jason..." It's a whisper.

"He's gone. One less monster in the world. "

Your body is shaking and you scream.

How could you have been so careless?


Your yells of pain continue as the room is breached. Someone rushes over, and when they remove the blindfold, you're still screaming. You begin to thrash about.

"(Y/N) it's me! It's me!"

Whoever it is begins to remove your restraints, and you finally gather your vision.

"H...otch.." It's said with so much uncertainty

"I'm here, I've got you."

He pulls you out of the chair once you're free, and you jump right into his arms. He holds on tight as the officers survey the room. Your trembling eyes look down at Jason's body that his been mutilated, the same way he'd done with all his victims. The sight just makes you clench unto Hotch tighter.

"I'm right here."

All you try to do is focus on Hotch's voice. 

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