Chapter 28

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"I think I speak for everyone when I say I'm exhausted."

It resonates with everyone, and they slowly begin to bid each other goodbye. You wave at them as you begin to pack your items away. Hotch comes walking from around the corner. His jacket has been discarded, and his tie is a bit loose. When he sees that you're still at your desk, he slows down.

"Are you about to head out?"

"Yes sir. I just need a solid eight hours of sleep."

"You deserve it." You smile.

"Thank you. " You get back to your task, but Hotch hasn't walked away yet.


You pause. He's never really addressed you by your name like that. Maybe you're in trouble again.

"Sir, I apologize if I've overstepped again. I know that we're not supposed to put ourselves in the line of fire like that. But I'd risk my life to keep any member of this team safe, especially yours."

Hotch stops his earlier thought. He'd been so sure that he needed to keep you at a distance to discover your motives, but now it's clear that he's misread everything. You weren't trying to deceive them. 

Not at all. 

Hell when you thought he was about to be shot you basically jumped in front of the bullet for him. That look you wore. The pain you displayed at the thought of him being hurt. You couldn't fake that. He gets why you think a lecture is coming.

"I just wanted to say thank you. If not for your quick reflexes, the outcome of this day could have been very different."


"Did you think I was going to scold you?"

"Kind of yeah."

"Well, it was irresponsible."

"I thought you were praising me just a second ago." You whine. 

Hotch smiles. 

An actual smile. 

Not the scold he's been sending your way for the last few months of your arrival. You blush despite yourself. Hotch marvels at the redness of your cheeks.

"She's blushing.."

He's wondering now how he could ever think you were a threat to him, or his team.

"Thank you."

This one is said much softer, and he seems a hell of a lot closer to you.

"My pleasure." You murmur. 

Hotch holds your gaze for a few more moments before you hear some footsteps behind you.

"Hey (Y/N) are you ready to.." Gracia trails off. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt."

"You didn't. Have a good night Ms. Black."

"Y-Yes sir! You too." Hotch walks away, and you nibble on your lip.

"Why the hell did he have to smile at me like that?"

This was going to be harder than you realized.


The following morning you're a bit in a daze as you search for the items to stack up on your necessary dose of caffeine.

"Where's the coffee?"

Surely the BAU hadn't completely run out already. You just saw Emily make a cup a few minutes ago.You shuffle through the cabinets. As you flip open the one that's above your head, you frown.

"Just great."

It was on the top shelf. You weren't exactly short per se, but it was still a little higher than you could fully reach. Your best hope was to nudge it forward as best you could and hope it didn't fall off and smack you in the forehead.

"Here, let me."

Someone says from behind. You don't have a chance to reply, because they reach up easily. Taking down your desired bottle. You turn around with the brightest smile.

"Thank you."

It's only when your eyes meet that you notice it's Hotch. His hand is still somewhat lifted, and he's much closer than you expected. He lowers his arm, and it comes down on the counter beside you.

Neither of you truly say a word. You just stare at each other. This is the second time in such a position. You really wish it would stop happening because it's very bad for your heart. When he looks at you, it feels like he can see through the barrier you've been putting up. The one that you're trying so hard to maintain to avoid further heartache. You no longer meet his gaze, and he steps back.

"Be careful next time."

"Yes sir."

He leaves without another word, and when he's gone, you slump against the counter. Your heart is racing and your lips are tingling.

If only.

Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds)Where stories live. Discover now