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SEEING THE WAY KIARA was arguing with her parents, Laura knew that the girl wasn't going to be allowed to go. Hell, there wasn't any room in the truck anyway.

Laura was already squeezed between the two boys, leaning more towards her boyfriend, although she was still slightly close to Pope which made both of them a little uncomfortable, yet they mutually agreed without words to ignore what was happening.

Briar chose to stay back, knowing damn well her parents wouldn't let her go in a heartbeat. She's snuck out plenty of times, but all the way to Charleston? She'd never hear the end of it.

Briar had gone on a whole rant over the phone to Laura about how much she hated her parents sometimes, and then managed to loop her brother into the conversation. But she hated her brother just as much.

And the call just continued, and continued, until Laura finally had to say, "We're leaving now. I'll text you. Bye! Love you." Before hanging up abruptly before Briar could get another word out.

She felt bad, but knew that they really did have to go, and couldn't talk for much longer.

As Laura sat leaned in close to JJ, his arm was resting on the seat behind her as all three of them watched the scene in front of them. And it most definitely wasn't pretty.

You could barely see what Kiara's parents were saying, but by their body language they knew it wasn't going very well. Their arms were flailing in the air and the looks on their faces were just plain mean and cruel.

"They're taking it pretty well." JJ joked, taking off his hat to fix his hair. "How'd you get this rig because I know your old man didn't let you have it."

"I undid the intake valves on the carburetor. Made it start pinging." Pope responded, neither making eye contact with each other as their eyes were glued to the small family.

JJ nodded, "And now you're just gonna take it to your cousin Jeff's house. Just gonna get it fixed."

"Crash overnight." All three said at the same time, Laura throwing a hand in the air.

"I think I'm rubbin' off on you, Pope. Lying to your old man, stealing his truck. Kinda sounds familiar." Said JJ, finally causing Pope to look over at him.

She could tell Pope definitely wasn't happy with the claim JJ had made, but she also knew it was true. Laura had known both boys for a long time, and JJ was completely right, even if Pope didn't want to believe it. Because he also knew JJ was right.

"All right, that's a sore subject. My bad."

Pope sighs. "I'd say we have about eighteen hours before he absolutely loses his shit. So as long as we get it back by then, I think we're good."

And right as Laura looked back up towards the house, all three were walking back inside and her phone immediately pinged. A text from Kiara.

Kie <3: just go without me. they're being dicks

"And seems like we're going without her." Laura sighed, showing her phone which the message appeared, to both JJ and Pope.

"At least we'll have room, right?" JJ said, flashing a smile at Laura.

She smiled back, pushing him slightly into the door, causing him to laugh.


The trio was finally back on the road, in the same spots that they've been in for the past hour. Laura was continuously reading the letter, the words becoming more jumbled and confusing the more she read it.

"Guys, I've read this thing like a thousand times. It makes no sense. I mean, the Limbrey's own like, half of Charleston. What do the Kook kings of Charleston know about a murder on Kildare island?" Laura rambled on.

JJ glanced over his girlfriends shoulder. "Yeah. Why you specifically? That's the other creepy thing. You know?"

"'Please come alone.' That's also so creepy." Laura looked up at Pope, then over to JJ.

Pope glanced over at the couple, before his eyes found his way back to the dirt road again. "I was thinking the same thing. I think it's because–"

But he was immediately cut off as the front of the car began blowing up smoke, the air hissing, as the engine began to malfunction, leaving the ride bumpy.

Laura sat up, dropping the letter onto JJ's lap. "Okay, pull over. This is way too much smoke, even for your dad's truck, Pope."

"I've got sensitive lungs, man." JJ gasped. "Pope just slow down! What are you doing?"

It was almost as if the brake wasn't working. The truck was practically flying over the ground, flying apart effortlessly with each movement of it. Eventually it did come to a stop, but not a very nice one.

Pope laughed in disbelief, not believing the sight in front of him. "No. No. No. No."

"It's gonna blow up." Laura exclaimed, practically pushing the blonde out of the truck as she was trying to get out herself.

JJ sighed, "No, it's not gonna blow up. You probably unhooked the radiator, Pope. I haven't seen this before. You knocked the entire hubcap off!"

And then he began clapping, sarcastically applauding the idiotic behavior of the other. Laura couldn't believe any of this, walking quite a few feet away, hands on her head.

"You might wanna reschedule your meeting tonight, Pope."

Laura turned back towards them. "Plan B? We could uh... public transportation. We could hitchhike. We could rent bikes." But the other two weren't listening to a single word come out of the girls mouth.

"My dad's gonna kill me." Pope said, his eyes focusing on thin air.

JJ nodded. "Yup. He might."

And then the air was thick with tension as JJ took a look at the burnt down truck. Pope was still zoning out every moment he could, and Laura was pacing, refusing to look at the smoking truck right in front of her.

And as night came by, the three still sat at the small shop trying to get the truck fixed. Pope was over with one of the employees, as JJ and Laura sat on a bench quietly. Laura was extremely exhausted since school was finally catching up to her even though it had just started.

But here's where the issue came, the payment of the repairs. Laura insisted on paying, though. She had actually been saving up so much, as she hadn't spent her own money in years.

So finally they were on their way, finding a spot to sleep for the night so they would have the energy for tomorrow's events.

Laura was passed out as soon as they arrived, but as the sun rose she couldn't have had any more energy as she took in the sunrise. She made JJ sit in the middle so she could take in the morning air as they drove down the highway, windows down.

They drove over the bridge, seeing the green Charleston sign, igniting some hope and happiness into Laura.

JJ rested a hand on her knee, leaning into her slightly. "Wonder where John B and Sarah are right now."

Laura looked over at her boyfriend, giving a small smile before grabbing his hand. She rested her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes.

She could only imagine what her brother was doing. Wondering if he was okay, wherever he was now. Trying to imagine him and Sarah sitting somewhere happy, and in no danger.

And wondering just how close she really was to him.

PARADISE ON EARTH | jj maybank (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now