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i hate my senior year. anyway, enjoy the chapter that took way too long to write :)

LAURA STOOD AT THE end of the boat, looking at her hometown with a smile. Sarah sat next to where she was standing, talking to JJ.

"Anybody else starving? We need to grab some sort of breakfast." JJ asked as they reached a dock far from the homes in the Outer Banks. Laura nodded in agreement, turning to look at the rest of the group.

Sarah stood, "We're gonna find some food."

Pope was the first to step off the boat, first helping the two girls off. JJ tied it off to the dock, then sat down.

"Me and Sarah can go find food." Laura said, grabbing her friends hand before walking off.

They only walked for about two minutes until they could find somewhere that had food. There were little crops with small plants growing, until Laura found something. She let out a short yell, running over to two large watermelons.

"Jackpot, baby!" Laura smiled at the blonde. "We can share one, and the boys can share one."

Sarah shrugged, "More for us."

They had found a rock to break it open, each taking a half and immediately started eating. Both sat on the grass, thankful for their find.

"Okay, so did you really get married? To my brother?" Laura asked laughing.

"It wasn't exactly legal, but..." Sarah smiled and shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah. And, am I crazy or is their definitely something going on between you and JJ?"

Laura shrugged. "Not crazy."

"Finally! I knew this entire time. Even before we were friends." Sarah shouted with excitement.

The brunette gasped, trying to hold in a laugh. "It was not that obvious!"

"LB, it totally was."

Laura pushed the girl sitting next to her slightly. "Come on before they get even more cranky."

The walk back was more eventful now that they had food in their systems and had the energy to actually be social with one another. Each girl held a watermelon in their arms with smiles on their faces as they approached the other three.

"Hi." Sarah started. "What y'all talking about."

They all shared a look as John B started. "Uh...fishing."

"Dropping lures." JJ finished for him as the two girls climbed back onto the boat. "That's that, you know? Need help?"

"Thanks." Laura said suspiciously as she handed her boyfriend the other watermelon. But she put the feeling away as she smiled at the boys. "We got breakfast."

JJ pulled Laura down to sit next to him. "How the hell do you get these things open?"

The two girls shrugged as JJ struggled trying to just rip it open. The other four just watched amused as he began punching it to get it open.

"Don't you usually carry a knife with you?" Laura asked in amusement.

The blonde immediately stopped what he was doing before looking up at the girl. "You know what?"

Laura just watched as he tried to be intimidating. "Nope. I've got nothing." JJ said as he pulled the knife out of his pocket and sliced the watermelon open.

"That's what I thought."

JJ adored the smile that Laura showed when she was truly happy. It was probably one of his most favorite things in the entire world.

PARADISE ON EARTH | jj maybank (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now